iStoppFalls Symposium - How effective is ICT-based Fall Prevention and Risk Assessment?
Symposium programme
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Please note that not all presentation titles are finalized. We will update the programme accordingly as soon as we receive the respective information. Thank you for your understanding.
Keynote Speakers

Professor Dawn Skelton
Keynote:Falls Prevention: An update on evidence and implication for ICT
Dawn Skelton is Professor of Ageing and Health at Glasgow Caledonian University. She is a commissioned author for the WHO’s Health Evidence Network and the UK’s Department of Health. She was Scientific Co-ordinator of the EC funded ProFaNE (Prevention of Falls Network Europe) project at the University of Manchester and is a collaborator on the new EC Thematic Network ProFouND (Prevention of Falls Network for Dissemination). She was co-host of the 8th World Congress on Active Ageing, in 2012 and on the Expert Panel for the Chief Medical Officers Start Active Stay Active recommendations for physical activity and public health in 2011. She also runs training courses to move research into practice with allied health professionals and fitness instructors. Her recent research (MRC and NIHR) focuses on effects of visualisations of biomechanics on adherence to exercise in older people with a history of falls, group versus home exercise referred through the GP on habitual physical activity, effects of the Otago home exercise programme in visually impaired older people, the outdoor environment on avoidance of activity and falls in older people and reducing sedentary behaviour (long periods of sitting) in older people.

Jörg Habetha
Keynote: Fall Detection and Prevention – an industry perspective
Dr. Joerg Habetha is leading the department for Personal Health at Philips Research in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The department is running research projects in the field of home and personal healthcare. Dr. Habetha has led several internal as well as publicly funded research projects for Philips and participated in several EU projects. From 2005 until 2009 he has been the coordinator of the European research project "MyHeart", which has developed personal healthcare solutions for the prevention and management of cardio-vascular diseases. With a budget of 35 M€ and 33 partners from 10 different countries the MyHeart project has been one of the biggest research efforts in the field of eHealth. Dr. Habetha has a background in Electrical Engineering with a diploma degree of Ecole Centrale Paris and Aachen University of Technology. He also holds a diploma for Business Administration of Aachen University of Technology.