Centre for Health and Integrative Physiology in Space (CHIPS)

Research activities within the CHIPS are based on a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to health.

It has become increasingly clear in later years that the complex adaptation to space can no longer be considered singly under the individual specialist fields (motor-control, cardiovascular and respiratory physiology, endocrinology, muscle/bone physiology, neurophysiology, psychosomatic medicine etc.). Instead, an interdisciplinary, integrative and multidisciplinary approach is necessary in order to achieve a deeper understanding of the optimization and preservation of health under the extreme conditions in space.

As living in microgravity can be regarded as a time lapse model of the sedentary and aging human being, space life science research might help to understand the underlying degenerative physiological and neuro-psychological processes of a sedentary life style and the aging human being. Translational research of the past years has shown that exercise can be regarded as a key factor to counteract physical and mental deconditioning, guaranteeing a holistic approach to health and a benefit to the socio-demographic changes of our society. 

Myotendinous and neuromuscular adaptation to long-term-spaceflight

Myotendinous and neuromuscular adaptation to long-term-spaceflight

After a long-term exposure to microgravity, muscle function is highly altered due to a loss of muscle mass, reduced contractile properties, and perturbation in motor control; as a consequence, a decrease in muscle force per unit of cross-sectional area is observed. In old age or through bodily inactivity, similar physiological adaptations are described as those following habitation in microgravity. Therefore, long-term habitation in space excellently suits as model to study physiological effects of aging, and to develop effective countermeasures.

Following an integrative experimental approach, SarcoLab-3, will provide a most comprehensive analysis of the causes of loss of specific muscle force in space from the molecular to whole body level. Astronauts and Cosmonauts will be recruited to participate in SarcoLab-3. Data collection will include two pre-flight, three inflight, and up to five post flight sessions utilizing the Muscle Atrophy Research and Exercise System (MARES).

Function of the lower extremity muscles is studied during static and dynamic contractions performed on the MARES dynamometer. Muscle architecture, muscle volume and tendon mechanical properties are assessed using ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Furthermore, peripheral electrical nerv- and muscle stimulation is used to determine activation capacity and the excitability of alpha-motoneurons. An optional biopsy sample of the soleus muscle, before and after the flight, will be obtained to study single muscle fiber properties.

Principle investigator

  • Rittweger, Jörn, Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Cologne, Germany
  • Kozlovskaya, Inessa B., Institute for Biomedical Problems (IBMP), Moscow, Russia
  • Laughlin, Mitzi S., University of Houston, Houston, Texas, United States


  • K. Albracht, University of Applied Science Aachen, German Sport University Cologne
  • M. Narici, University of Padova, Italy
  • M. Flück, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • C. Gelfi,  University of Milan, Italy
  • M. Capri,  University of Bologna, Italy
  • R. Bottinelli, University of Pavia, Italy
  • C. Franceschi, CNR-Institute of Bioimaging and Molecular Physiology, Milan, Italy
  • C. Layne, University of Houston, USA
  • Y. Koryak, Institute for Biomedical Problems (IBMP), Russia
  • P. Ceretelli, CNR-Institute of Bioimaging and Molecular Physiology, Milan, Italy


The European part of the project is supported by ESA. Kirsten Albracht received a research grant from the German Space Agency (50WB1728).

Cervical spine and muscle adaptation after spaceflight and...

Cervical spine and muscle adaptation after spaceflight and relationship to herniation (CerISS)


The aim of this study is to investigate possible factors that may be involved in cervical intervertebral disc herniations after spaceflight.


Astronauts are at increased risk of neck injury and pain upon returning to Earth. The aim of this study is to examine the potential reasons responsible for this risk. Astronauts who are scheduled to complete greater than four weeks of spaceflight will be examined twice during the pre-flight phase and four times during the post-flight phase. The duration of this study will range from 180 days pre-flight to 190 days post-flight. The performed examinations are magnetic resonance imaging of the neck, endurance and function of the neck muscles, neck motion, amount of oxygen in the muscles of the neck, questionnaires and a meausurement of the bones in the neck.

Principle investigator

  • D. Belavy, Deakin University
  • K. Albracht, University of Applied Science Aachen, German Sport University Cologne
  • G. Ambrecht, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin


  • H. Brisby, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg
  • B. Cagnie, Ghent University
  • D. Falla, Universitty of Birmingham
  • R. Scheuring, Johnson Space Center
  • R. Sovelius, Centre for Military Medicine,Tampere
  • H.-J. Wilke, University of Ulm



MyotonPRO device offers the unique opportunity to obtain objective measurements of key anatomic elements of the human myofascial system (e.g. muscle tone/tension and other biomechanical and viscoelastic properties) non-invasively monitoring indicators of neuromuscular performance of crew members and thus complementing current exercise countermeasure outcome monitoring.


The skeletal muscle biomechanical properties (tone/tension, stiffness, elasticity) appear to be strongly related to human health status in everyday life on Earth and in Space. For example, human skeletal muscle overload by exhaustive work, strenuous exercise (overtraining) or by stress factors may result in elevated muscle tension and stiffness (including pain sensation such as in the neck or back muscles) which likely affects the general “well-being” of your whole body and also your fitness status on Earth. Alternatively, muscle activity status that differs from normal, such as during prolonged low-force muscle activation (“underload”), extended immobilization (disuse), disease, aging, and in spaceflight, reduce muscle mass and strength, and may have an impact how you perform activities and may make you feel “less fit” during your inflight mission duties but also upon return to Earth. Inflight countermeasures are important for preventing the effects of this “underload” from microgravity but it has not been possible to date, to measure the muscle status inflight, for example, in terms of onboard exercise outcome assessment. In clinical situations on Earth, acute or chronic “muscle quality” changes (e.g., tension vs. tightness/contracture) are monitored by “manual palpation” by medical doctors or physiotherapists, as there were no suitable technologies available up to date.

The MyotonPRO Digital Palpation Device offers a non-invasive, painless, easy to use method for the measurement of state of tension, biomechanical and viscoelastic properties of superficial skeletal muscle (tone, stiffness, elasticity, relaxation time and creep) and other structures (tendon, ligaments) of the associated human myofascial system. MyotonPRO is a potentially valuable technology to monitor muscle health of crew members to complement pre-, in- and postflight skeletal muscle fitness status, as well as to evaluate physical exercise prescriptions and individual outcome (personalized countermeasure) during long-duration missions on ISS.

Principle investigator

  • D. Blottner, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin


  • Kirsten Albracht, University of Applied Science Aachen, German Sport University Cologne
    Hanns-Christian Gunga, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Maria Stokes, University Southampton, UK
  • Aleko Peipsi, Myoton (industrial partner)


The Project is supported by ESA and the German Space Agency.

Biomechanics and energetics of human locomotion in hyper- and...

Biomechanics and energetics of human locomotion in hyper- and hypo-gravity


Evaluate neuromuscular control and fascicle behaviour in human locomotion under different gravitational conditions.


Manned space missions to Mars and the Moon implicate exposure to hypo-gravity environments, long-term confinement, surface space walks and extravehicular activities for habitat assemblies. Therefore, locomotion (i.e. running, bouncing, walking, foot landing) in varying gravity conditions is a prerequisite for the success of future inter-planetary discovery missions. To preserve the astronauts’ capability to execute mission-critical tasks on differing planetary surfaces and in transit, a thorough understanding of the neuronal control of the musculoskeletal system during locomotion and the underlying energy expenditure in hypo-gravity is required. Thus, the proposed life science experiment aims to assess neural, mechanical modulations in response to gravitational changes within a setting of locomotor movement as it occurs in daily life. The scientific goal of this project is to establish gravity-induced neuro-mechanical characteristics (neuromuscular activity, muscle-tendon-unit interaction, joint kinematics and forces) in a test paradigm of bouncing movement. In particular, we want to detect the human anticipatory capacity to adapt compensatory muscle activation, muscle-tendon stiffness regulation and energy expenditure as a function of variable g-levels.  From a methodological point of view, this is realized by a holistic approach which includes the neuromuscular, tendo-muscular, metabolic, kinematic and kinetic processes during bounces. We expect that the human body might reduce neuromuscular control in response to a decreased gravitation involving an adaptation of the muscle-tendon unit and being in accordance with lower metabolic demands during selected events of human locomotion. A fundamental insight into variable adaptations of the human locomotor apparatus can be provided to be the basis for future investigations in different gravitational environments.

Principle investigator

  • R. Ritzmann, A. Gollhofer, University Freiburg
  • M. Narici, University of Padua
  • K. Albracht, FH Aachen & German Sport University


The Project is supported by ESA and the German Space Agency.

Mechanics and loading forces associated with Movement in simulated...

Mechanics and loading forces associated with Movement in simulated Low gravity - the MO-LO study

The fascicle behaviour and neuromusculur control during walking and running in simulated low gravity.

Principle investigator

  • D. Green, King’s College London/Space Medicine Office, EAC


  • K. Albracht, University of Applied Science Aachen, German Sport University Cologne
  • C. Richter, University of Applied Science Aachen, German Sport University Cologne
  • B. Braunstein, German Sport University Cologne
  • J. Rittweger, Deutsches Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
  • T. Weber, Space Medicine Office, EAC
  • K. Mileva, London South Bank University, UK


This study is supported by the European Space Agency (Spaceship EAC) and the German Space Agency (50WB1728).

Der Effekt von Hypergravitation auf den Stoffwechsel von...

Der Effekt von Hypergravitation auf den Stoffwechsel von Gelenkknorpel (2. Nationales Zentrifugenprogramm DLR) (2016)

Gesundes Knorpelgewebe ist die Grundvoraussetzung für eine normale Gelenkfunktion und demzufolge auch für uneingeschränkte körperliche Aktivität. Für den Erhalt und die Gesundheit des Gewebes ist mechanische Belastung essentiell, da nur durch Be- und Entlastung des Gelenks der Stoffwechsel des bradytrophen Gewebes ermöglicht wird. Eine zu geringe mechanische Belastung, wie Immobilisation oder Mikrogravitation, führt, wie bei Knochen und Muskeln, zu degenerativen Prozessen im Gelenkknorpel. Eine geeignete Gegenmaßnahme, um einer zu geringen mechanischen Belastung bei langandauernden Weltraumflügen entgegenzuwirken, könnte der Einsatz von künstlicher Hypergravitation mittels Kurzarmzentrifuge sein. Es ist jedoch derzeit nicht bekannt, welchen Effekt ein Zentrifugieren des menschlichen Körpers auf den Gelenkknorpel hat und wann eine vermehrter mechanischer Reiz wie die Hypergravitation nicht weiter zum Erhalt von Knorpel, sondern zur gesteigerten Degeneration beiträgt. Erste in vitro Versuche im Zell- oder Tiermodell weisen darauf hin, dass sich Hypergravitation positiv auf die Knorpelbiologie auswirken könnte. Es fehlen aber in vivo Studien am Menschen, die den Effekt von Hypergravitation auf den Gelenkknorpel untersucht haben. Ziel dieses Vorhabens ist es, anhand von Blut-Biomarkern in vivo zu untersuchen, ob Hypergravitation (Zentrifugieren) einen Effekt auf den Knorpelstoffwechsel hat.

Gesunden, jungen, männlichen Probanden wird vor und zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten nach verschiedenen Interventionen mit und ohne Hypergravitation Blut abgenommen. Es sollen folgende Biomarker des Knorpelstoffwechsels und untersucht werden: COMP, Coll2-1, Coll2-1NO2, MMP-3, MMP-9, MMP-13, YKL-40, HA und Resistin.

Principle investigator

  • A. Niehoff, German Sport University


  • A. Liphardt, German Sport University
  • G.P. Brüggemann, German Sport University
  • F. Zaucke, German Sport University


The Project is supported by NASA and the German Space Agency.

Effect of microgravity on cartilage morphology and biology

Effect of microgravity on cartilage morphology and biology

Articular cartilage in synovial joints serves a variety of functions including providing joint congruency, transferring and distributing forces, and allowing joint movement. Healthy cartilage is the prerequisite for proper joint function, and thus for unconfined physical activity. The effects of immobilization on articular cartilage in humans are barely known and cartilage health of the lower limb joints has not been studied in microgravity. Mechano-biological factors cause changes in articular cartilage morphology and biology in a joint throughout life. Healthy articular cartilage tends to be thickest in joints that experience high forces such as the knee. Disuse induces changes in cartilage morphology and biology could be shown in previous studies in animals as well as humans. These data suggest that cartilage thickness in patients is sensitive to unloading.

While in microgravity, the high impact forces are absent, and this potentially could lead to cartilage degeneration or osteoarthritis. The reported changes include decreases in proteoglycan concentration and compressive stiffness, and cartilage softening.

To test the effect of unloading on cartilage thickness and volume, magnet resonance imaging (MRI) of the astronauts’ knees will be performed before and after a stay in microgravity. Blood and urine samples will be taken before, during (Urine samples only if possible) and after a stay in microgravity to investigate the effect of immobilization on biomarkers of cartilage metabolism (COMP, C2C, CPII, C1,2C, CS-846, CTX-II).

1. Cartilage volume and thickness will decrease due to microgravity induced unloading.

2. Markers of cartilage biology will show cartilage degradation.

3. Changes in cartilage morphology and muscle volume will be positively correlated.

Principle investigator

  • A. Niehoff, German Sport University


  • A.M. Liphardt, German Sport University
  • G.P. Brüggemann, German Sport University
  • W. Bloch, German Sport University
  • F. Eckstein, German Sport University
  • S. Koo, German Sport University


The Project is supported by ESA, NASA and the German Space Agency.

PASS - Physical Activity for better Sleep and psycho-physiological...

PASS - Physical Activity for better Sleep and psycho-physiological State during isolation I + II

Sleep is a very important factor for human performance, health and well-being.

From space and isolation studies it is known that sleep impairments are an often-occuring problem and are known to result in different psycho-physiological problems. Sleep deprivation can have serious consequences on mood and mental well-being, physical and psychological performance health. To date, sleep problems in space and isolation studies are mainly treated with medication, tolerating side effects (like pharmacological interactions, sleepiness and lassitude influencing mood and cognitive performance) although those side effects could endanger cosmonauts/astronauts/taikonauts´ and isolation missioners´ health and mission success and safety. Consequently, it is desirable to find alternative methods to maintain and/or improve sleep, and to counteract mood and cognitive impairments leading to performance errors as well as crew conflicts during space missions and other isolated environments.

Sleep and exercise studies revealed that physical activity/exercise is a sufficient tool to improve sleep. This study aims to investigate (1) whether sleep, mood and cognitive impairments are dependent on the individual amount of daily physical activity, and (2) possible underlying electro-cortical, endocrinological and psychological mechanisms. The Human Exploration Research Analog (HERA) program by NASA provides the opportunity to test physical activity as countermeasure for sleep problems and associated cognitive and mental impairments under space-analogue conditions. 

Results are expected to uncover interactions between physical activity, sleep, mood and cognitive performance and to increase comfort, safety and success of isolation and space missions and to lower risks and costs not only for space travel but also for the general population.

Principle investigator

  • V. Abeln, German Sport University


  • S. Schneider, German Sport University


The Project is supported by NASA and the German Space Agency.

Bodyfitness = Brainfitness - Impact of physical activity on brain...

Bodyfitness = Brainfitness - Impact of physical activity on brain performance and health during isolation (SIRIUS)

Running exercise could reduce some of the undesirable effects of microgravity. While endurance exercise is known to be effective in preventing bone and muscle loss and counteracting the detrimental effects of weightlessness on circulation, it has been suggested that efficiency might be increased if intervals instead of continuous running exercise is applied (see application of cooperation partner and PI Hoffmann). Interval training is thought to higher perfusion kinetics and may therefore support brain perfusion and brain performance. Little is known about immediate and prolonged effects of continuous or intermittent running exercise with moderate to submaximal intensity on cognitive performance. This research proposal aims at clarifying the beneficial as well as the adverse effects of continuous versus intermittent running exercise on cognitive abilities in a ground based space analog condition.

The proposed study will compare cognitive abilities of subjects participating in a four-month space analogue isolation study in Moscow (SIRIUS), with the application of daily (2 month intermittent, 2 month continuous) running exercise. We also propose recording brain electrical potentials (EEG/ERP) and sampling stress hormone and neurotrophic changes in regard to cognition and emotion/affect (cognitive tests, questionnaires). Brain imaging methods provide insight to the successive stages of information processing with excellent temporal precision as well as information on the brain areas affected. Cognitive tasks will be presented both in visual and auditory modality allowing investigating electro-cortical changes in relation to cognitive or affective impairments.

Principle investigator

  • V. Abeln & S. Schneider, German Sport University


  • U. Hoffmann, German Sport University
  • S. Hoffmann, German Sport University


The Project is supported by ESA, IBMP and the German Space Agency.

Effect of artificial gravity regimens on neurocognitive performance...

Effect of artificial gravity regimens on neurocognitive performance during head down tilt bedrest (AGBRESA)

Another supposable countermeasure against undesirable effects of microgravity is the application of short bouts of Artificial Gravity (AG). While centrifugation could be effective in preventing bone and muscle loss and counteracting the detrimental effects of weightlessness on circulation, little is known about immediate and prolonged effects of AG on cognitive performance. This research proposal aims at clarifying the beneficial as well as the adverse effects of centrifugation on cognitive abilities in a ground based space analog condition.

The proposed study will compare cognitive abilities of subjects participating in 60-d head down tilt bedrest (HDBR, AGBRESA), with and without the application of daily (intermittent or continuous) 30-min AG. We also propose recording brain electrical potentials (EEG/ERP) and hemodynamic response (NIRS) along with cognitive tasks as these methods provide insight to the successive stages of information processing with excellent temporal precision as well as information on the brain areas affected. Cognitive tasks will be presented both in visual and auditory modality allowing separating generalized cognitive decline from visuo-spatial deficits. Comparison of simple and complex versions of the tasks will separate deficits of simple stimulus-response reactivity from those of complex attentional processing.

Principle investigator

  • V. Abeln & S. Schneider, German Sport University


  • L. Balazs, Hungarian Academy of Science
  • I. Czigler, Hungarian Academy of Science
  • B. Mekjavic, Hungarian Academy of Science
  • T. Vogt, German Sport University


The Project is supported by the German Space Agency.

Development and Validation of a Neurocognitive test battery for...

Development and Validation of a Neurocognitive test battery for implementation on the Russian Segment of the International Space Station (ISS)

Living in extreme environments is accompanied by a number of stressors, which can be classified either as physiological stressors (e.g. microgravity, missing sunlight) or psychological stressors (e.g. confinement). From a multitude of studies a negative impact of stress on mental health and cognitive performance is well known and both factors might impair mission success and mission safety during longer inhabitation of space.

Nevertheless causal research of neuro-cognitive impairments in space remains speculative due to missing possibilities of brain imaging. Furthermore the reliability of current psychological tests used to assess and monitor cognitive performance in extreme environments seems to be vulnerable due to a lack of compliance. Accordingly it is proposed to use an embedded approach, integrating psychological and neuro-cognitive testing in work sample training and other daily routines with high affinity for cosmonauts/astronauts.

With on-going plans of international space agencies to send people to moon and/or mars, at first this proposal aims (1) to summarize and review research attempts of the past two decades, (2) to identify methodological shortcomings and (3) to propose a number of recommendations in order to enhance future neuro-cognitive research in extreme environments. As such this part of the proposal has been submitted as an invited review to a special edition of “Planetary and Space Science” (Schneider, Bubeev, et al. 2012).

Based on this consideration, a first set of experiments is proposed for embedded neuro-cognitive testing within the restrictions on board of the International Space Station (ISS). By using the existing Soyuz docking manoeuvre training, which is currently performed on board of the ISS, and integrating an active EEG system to allow for localisation of brain cortical activity using source localisation algorithms, it is aimed to (1) assess mental load and cognitive performance by using neurocognitive markers (P300) and to correlate these with docking performance, (2) to explore how these markers are influenced by stress and (3) to check whether exercise could act as a “neuro-enhancer” and an adequate countermeasure to stress as currently discussed in the literature.

Using up to date brain-imaging techniques that are applicable to the very specific situation in extreme environments will help identify the processes of neuro-plasticity caused by stress, their impact on mental and cognitive performance, and the efficacy of countermeasures to assure mental and cognitive performance.

A deeper insight into neuro-cognitive coherence is not only desirable to understand the effects of stress on mental health, which seems to be a major issue for our current society, but will also help to maintain and improve mission success and mission safety in manned space flight by developing adequate countermeasures.

Principle investigator

  • Stefan Schneider, German Sport University Cologne


  • Bernd Johannes, German Aerospace Center
  • Alexander Choukèr, Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
  • Juri A. Bubeev, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Ru,
  • Vera Abeln, German Sport University Cologne (DSHS), Cologne, D


The Project is supported by the Institute for Biomedical Problems (IBMP) and the German Space Agency.

Effects of different exercise intensities and modes on kinetics of...

Effects of different exercise intensities and modes on kinetics of gas-exchange and cardio-vascular system

As a result of simulated weightlessness, reduced maximum cardiorespiratory capacities are documented. This is measured by the maximum oxygen uptake (V'O2max) using step tests. These are considered the gold standard for measuring maximum endurance performance. Additional information can be obtained by measuring oxygen uptake (V'O2) kinetics. The V'O2 kinetics provides insights into regulatory processes of the cardiovascular and respiratory system in response to changes in metabolic demands, e.g. on a bicycle ergometer. Since no constant or maximum metabolic demands occur during everyday activities, the measurement of regulatory processes in response to changes in exercise intensities is particularly relevant in this context. Slower V'O2 kinetics indicate a higher anaerobic energy supply at the beginning of load increases, which can lead to early fatigue at higher loads. An advantage of the kinetics over the V'O2max is the independence from motivational aspects during the tests.

The aim of the project was to record cardiorespiratory kinetics before, during and after 60 days of bed rest with and without jump training on a horizontal sledge jump system.

The results showed that the kinetics of heart rate were slower as a result of the bed rest study compared to the previously collected baseline data, this was independent of the participation in the jump training. The regulation of blood pressure was also impaired. However, this did not apply to the V'O2 kinetics. In contrast, however, the V'O2max of subjects in the control group who did not participate in the jump training was reduced after the bed rest phase. Thus, although the maximum capacity of the cardiorespiratory and vascular systems was impaired, this could only be measured by the heart rate with regard to regulation in the submaximal, moderate stress range. Since earlier studies with astronauts documented slower V'O2 kinetics before and after their approximately 6-month stays on the ISS, the length of the bed rest study might play a role here.

Principle investigator

  • Uwe Hoffmann, German Sport University Cologne


The Project is supported by German Space Agency.

Metabolic and cardio-vascular demands and effects of inflight...

Metabolic and cardio-vascular demands and effects of inflight exercise countermeasures on cardio-respiratory kinetics (Exercise Demands)

Maintaining aerobic performance is an essential goal of training measures for astronauts and cosmonauts in weightlessness. Particularly during emergency situations, maintaining performance is of enormous importance.

Aerobic fitness is usually assessed on the basis of the maximum oxygen intake (V'O2max), which is determined in extensive maximal exercise tests. A possible alternative that could at least reduce the frequency of such maximal tests is to determine the dynamics of pulmonary oxygen uptake (V'O2) and heart rate (HR) during light to moderate training. It is known that the V'O2 kinetics at the muscle varies with the V'O2max. Therefore, Russian cosmonauts are examined for their cardiorespiratory kinetics before, during and after their stay on board the International Space Station (ISS). For this purpose, they carry out a test on the treadmill in which the velocities vary at defined intervals between two velocities.

The central hypothesis is that changes in cardiovascular kinetics measured during a moderate exercise test indicate changes in aerobic capacity and physical performance.

The aim is to use the acquisition of cardiovascular kinetics as feedback to adapt physical training as a countermeasure to weightlessness on board the ISS or later long duration expeditions to the Moon or Mars.

Principle investigator

  • Uwe Hoffmann, German Sport University Cologne


The Project is supported by German Space Agency.

Cardiorespiratory kinetics during exercise in simulated stressful...

Cardiorespiratory kinetics during exercise in simulated stressful missions

Human spaceflight is not only a prolonged, chronic, gravitational change that triggers various physiological and morphological adaptation processes, but also stressors such as sleep deprivation and isolation. Sleep deprivation and isolation can be studied under controlled conditions at the Human Exploration Research Analog (HERA) facility in Houston. For this purpose, the test persons, who have similar characteristics to astronauts, simulate a mission to an asteroid for 45 days. Before, during and after the isolation phase, spiroergometric tests with moderate work rate changes were performed. Before and after the isolation phase, the moderate stress protocol was followed by a stress test. The aim is to assess the influence of isolation in combination with sleep deprivation on the cardiovascular system. It is expected that the ability to regulate heart rate will decrease as can be expected from heart rate variability data. Therefore, it will be further investigated how this reduced ability to regulate the heart rate and thus the cardiac output affects the pulmonary and muscular oxygen uptake kinetics and maximum performance. These data can be used for a more detailed description of an existing cardiovascular model. Thus, the data collection is relevant for basic physiological processes as well as for application-oriented research.

Principle investigator

  • Uwe Hoffmann, German Sport University Cologne


The Project is supported by German Space Agency.

Gas exchange and regulation kinetics of the cardiovascular system -...

Gas exchange and regulation kinetics of the cardiovascular system - Effects of short-term gravitational changes

The regulation of the cardiovascular system, respiration and metabolism after changes in environmental conditions and changes in performance are crucial for cognitive and physical performance. Particularly in environments with acutely changing or chronically altered gravitational forces (G forces), such as those found in aeronautics and space travel, the ability to regulate the cardiovascular system in connection with respiration and the supply of oxygen to the organism, as well as the removal of carbon dioxide, is a particular challenge. This applies in specific to take-off and landing in space when, in addition to the change between 1 G and 0 G, relatively high short-term accelerations occur. Similar acceleration changes also occur in aviation with jet pilots or in sport with bobsleigh riders. When phases with high G-force follow phases with low G-force, this is called the "push-pull effect". In situations where high G-forces work, so-called anti-G maneuvers, such as tightening the leg muscles and exerted breathing, are used. These stimuli of the Anti-G and Push-Pull maneuvers cause a number of stimuli of the cardiovascular system, which are not yet clearly clarified.

There are various possibilities on Earth to cause or simulate short-term changes in gravity. The experiments were carried out during parabolic flights as well as on a long-arm human centrifuge and on a tilt seat. Furthermore, the data of the cardiovascular system during these (simulated) gravitational changes were compared to parameters of endurance performance.

First, it was found that the conditions during a parabolic flight are not comparable to those during similar gravitational changes on a centrifuge or a tilting table experiment. The human heart seems to work very differently under different analysed conditions. The effects of microgravity on the cardiovascular system cannot be adequately simulated either on a centrifuge or on a tilting table. The data also provide important information for modelling the venous system.

Principle investigator

  • Uwe Hoffmann, German Sport University Cologne


The Project is supported by German Space Agency.

The influence of different training stimuli on cardiorespiratory...

The influence of different training stimuli on cardiorespiratory regulation and cognitive skills during 4 months of isolation

Isolation phases, such as those occurring on the International Space Station (ISS), in which up to six people orbit the Earth at a distance of 480 km, have an influence on both cognitive and cardiorespiratory parameters. Within the framework of the so-called Sirius experiments, which will be carried out in an isolation facility in Moscow, Russia, the relationship between cardiovascular, respiratory and cognitive parameters will be analysed.

A positive correlation between cardiovascular, respiratory and cognitive parameters is expected, because a faster perfusion kinetics enables a more effective blood supply to the brain than a slower perfusion kinetics. In addition, oxygen uptake kinetics is associated with improved cardiovascular fitness. This could also have an effect on cognitive functions. In addition, it is of interest to design the physical training e.g. on the ISS as effective as possible. Therefore, during the isolation phase, a continuous endurance training will be compared with the effectiveness of an interval training with regard to the effects on cognitive abilities and cardiorespiratory performance.

Principle investigator

  • Uwe Hoffmann, German Sport University Cologne


The Project is supported by German Space Agency.