Prof. Dr. Dr. Dieter Leyk

Head of the Research Group Epidemiology of Performance and Head of the Bundeswehr Institute for Preventive Medicine, Andernach |
Medical specialist and qualified sports teacher, former competitive athlete and coach, now enthusiastic recreational athlete |
Advanced training/further education of sports physicians (, examiner of the Koblenz and Mainz Medical Associations for the section Sports Medicine |
Committee work: e.g. member of the medical-scientific advisory board of the Deutsches Ärzteblatt (responsible for the section Sports Medicine), member of the Austrian Scientific Commission for Sport and National Defence, board member of the Rhineland-Palatinate Association of Sports Physicians (responsible for the section Prevention) |
More than 300 scientific publications, reviewer for over 25 internationally renowned journals |
Selected publications
Leyk D, Rüther T, Hartmann N, Vits E, Staudt M, Hoffmann MA: Analgesic use in sports—results of a systematic literature review. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2023; 120 |
Glitz KJ, Bux K, Catrein B, Dietl P, Engelman B, Gebhardt H, Groos S, Kampmann B, Kluth K, Leyk D, Zander P, Klußmann A: Arbeiten unter klimatischen Belastungen (AWMF-S2k-Leitlinie). München: DGAUM 2022 |
Leyk D, Rüther R: „Schmerzmittelkonsum im Sport und in der Gesellschaft. Ausgewählte Fakten zur öffentlichen Anhörung des Sportausschusses des Deutschen Bundestages am 27.01.2021. |
Rüther T, Hartmann N, Sievert A, Schomaker R, Löllgen H, Leyk D: Ergebnisse des bundesweiten Surveys „Bleib-gesund-und-werde-fit“: Befragungen von 30- bis 60jährigen Läufer*innen mit ein- bis zehnjähriger Trainingserfahrung. (Abstract Nr. 193 OP-03-004). Dtsch Z Sportmed 2021; 72(3). |
Küper K, Schramm S, Witzki A, Leyk D (2021): Optimierungs- und Anreizmöglichkeiten für Gesundheitsverhalten und individuelle Einsatzfähigkeit. Wehrmedizinische Monatsschrift; 65 (11): 431 - 433. also published as Küper K, Schramm S, Witzki A, Leyk D (2021): Optimisation and incentive options for health behaviour and individual operational readiness. Wehrmedizinische Monatsschrift; 65 (11): e431 - e433. |
Rüther T, Hartmann N, Sievert A, Schomaker R, Löllgen H, Leyk D: The ActIv-Project: Self-rated exercise intensity of 86.514 female and male runners aged 18-64 yrs. In: Dela F, Helge JW, Müller E, Tsolakidis E (eds): ECSS Virtual Congress 2021: Book of Abstracts of the 26th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science 2021 2021; 227 |
Leyk D (2021): Problem „Individuelle Einsatzfähigkeit“: Fakten und Optionen. Wehrmedizinische Monatsschrift; 65 (3-4): 122–126. also published as Leyk D (2021): The problem of “individual operational readiness”: facts and options. Wehrmedizinische Monatsschrift; 65 (3-4): 122–126. |
Leyk D, Hoitz J, Becker C, Glitz KJ, Nestler K, Piekarski C: Health risks and interventions in exertional heat stress. Dtsch Arztebl Int 116: 537–44, 2019. |
Nestler K, Witzki A, Rohde U, Rüther T, Tofaute KA, Leyk D: Strength training for women as a vehicle for health promotion at work—a systematic literature review. Dtsch Arztebl Int 114: 439–46, 2017. |
Leyk D, Witzki A, Gorges W, Rohde U, Rüther T: Even one is too much: Sole presence of one of the risk factors overweight, lack of exercise and smoking reduces physical fitness of young soldiers. J Strength Cond Res 29 Supplement: S199-203, 2015. |
Leyk D, Rohde U, Hartmann ND, Preuß PA, Sievert A, Witzki A: Results of a workplace health campaign – what can be achieved? Dtsch Arztebl Int 111: 320-327, 2014. |
Leyk D, Rüther T, Witzki A, Sievert A, Moedl A, Blettner M, Hackfort D, Löllgen H: Physical Fitness, Weight, Smoking, and Exercise Patterns in Young Adults. Dtsch Arztebl Int 109: 737–45, 2012. |
Leyk D, Witzki A, Sievert A, Rohde U, Moedl A, Rüther T, Löllgen H, Hackfort D: Importance of sports during youth and Exercise barriers in 20-29 year old male non-athletes differently motivated for regular physical activities. J Strength Cond Res 26 Supplement, S15-S22, 2012. |
Leyk D, Rüther T, Wunderlich M, Sievert A, Eßfeld D, Witzki A, Erley O, Küchmeister G, Piekarski C, Löllgen H: Physical Performance in Middle Age and Old Age: Good News for Our Sedentary and Aging Society. Dtsch Arztebl Int 107: 809-816, 2010. |
Leyk D, Rüther T, Wunderlich M, Sievert A, Essfeld D, Erley O, Gorges W, Ridder D, Piekarski C, Erren TC: Performance, training and lifestyle parameters of marathon runners aged 20 to 80 years: Results of the PACE-Study. Int J Sports Med 30: 360-365, 2009. |
Leyk D, Gorges W, Ridder D, Wunderlich M, Rüther T, Sievert A, Essfeld D: Hand-grip forces of young men, women and highly trained female athletes. Eur J Appl Physiol 99: 415-421, 2007. |
Leyk D, Rohde U, Gorges W, Ridder D, Wunderlich M, Dinklage C, Sievert A, Rüther T, Essfeld D: Physical performance, body weight and BMI of young adults in Germany 2000 – 2004: Results of the Physical-Fitness-Test Study. Int J Sports Med 8: 642-647, 2006. |