Department Research and Scientific Qualification

The Department Research and Scientific Qualification is the central point of contact at the German Sport University Cologne for questions regarding research funding, applications for research funding and support of young academics. The department is part of the Academic Planning and Management staff unit and offers support to academics at GSU:

In addition, we give advice on programmes regarding the University internal fundinghochschulinternen Forschungsförderung – the University internal PhD scholarships Graduiertenkollegs, research focus Forschungsschwerpunkte, research projects of young academics as well as student research projects.

Another task is to assess and analyse quantitative and qualitative research measures and data from the institutes and central scientific facilities at the German Sport University Cologne.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Vogt
Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Tobias Vogt

Vice-President Research and Transfer

Telephone +49 221 4982-4225
Website Forschungsprofil
Dr. Claudia Combrink

Claudia Combrink

Leiterin der Abt. Forschung und wissenschaftliche Qualifizierung, Betreuung der Geistes- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften

Telephone +49 221 4982-6174
Dr. Birte Ahrens

Birte Ahrens

Forschungsreferentin Geistes- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Open Science

Telephone +49 221 4982-8737
Dr. Dinah Nockemann

Dinah Nockemann

Forschungsreferentin Lebenswissenschaften

Telephone +49 221 4982-4608
Dr. Alexandra Pizzera

Alexandra Pizzera

Referentin für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs / Telefonischer Kontakt +49 221 4982-7580

Telephone +49 221 4982-7580 +49 221 4982-8701
Website Forschungsprofil