STRIVE - Sport Transfer and Innovation Education

Get more out of your research and sign up for STRIVE now!

In the Summer School STRIVE you will learn in practical workshops with experts and in collaboration with colleagues how you can communicate your scientific work in practice and make an impact. Together we will develop a podcast for your scientific topic!

Developed ideas are not necessary for registration! Just contribute with your scientific work or vitalize your interest in transfer and innovation. 

How can you get more out of your research?


Start: Learn the basics in an online course

Multimedia formats (videos and podcasts) are used in the run-up to the Summer School to teach the basics of science communication, financing transfer projects, start-up support, property rights, target group management, and social entrepreneurship.

Workshops (morning, mandatory): Learn how to generate ideas, validate innovation and communicate from research into practice

Participants learn how to generate ideas from research and are empowered in various workshops with methods for target group and market analysis to further develop their ideas, find fields of application and capture market potential. Further, participants will receive important input on science communication to enable a better exchange of research and ideas.

Development of your ideas (afternoon, voluntary): Individual feedback sessions on your challenges

Develop your ideas with the skills you learned in the workshops by finding your target group, fields of application and capture market potential by analysing the market.

Participation and application requirements

STRIVE is addressed to master students, PhD students and research assistants. 20-25 people can participate in the Summer School to ensure high quality supervision in the face-to-face workshops. Participation fees will be charged at 50€.

The application period for the Summer School will start mid summer (details to follow). Interested persons can already register in advance in a waiting list.

Registration then takes place during the application period by following these steps:

1.  Register with your email address (Link to follow!)

2. Entering participation data under the link sent by e-mail, including a short description of an idea/research topic

3. Assignment of the participation seats. Payment of the participation fee to finalize the registration.


The selection criteria for the participants are time of registration (first come, first serve) as well as career level as and institution (according to quota).

Following the application phase, the application documents will be reviewed and the invitations to the Summer School including access data to the online formats will be sent out. Applicants who do not receive a place in the Summer School will be placed on the waiting list and will receive an invitation to participate in the online self-study. 

Consultants and contents

Kick-off and target group management

The focus of the face-to-face workshops is the development of own transfer ideas based on the own research topics. After brainstorming and team building, participants receive an introduction to target group management, analysis of application fields, and basic market considerations. The face-to-face workshops, from idea generation to target group management, are conducted by experienced external instructors.

Scientist Journey to target group management

Science Communication

The Press and Communications Department and Dr. Christoph Bertling from the Institute for Communication and Media Research will provide input on guidelines for good science communication, communication impact assessment and tips for successful science communication. In addition, a workshop will teach the development of a communication concept, and the first formats will be tested in practice. Analysis, goals and target groups, strategy, measures, evaluation: Which communication is right for me and my project?

Social Entrepreneurship

Participants learn how they can initiate social change with their own ideas. This includes input with theoretical background and best practice examples on the topics of social entrepreneurship, social innovation and social business with keynote speeches by Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, among others.


The Transfer office and start-up service will present benefits, opportunities and obligations as well as support options and registration processes at the university (in cooperation with an external partner). You can already find out morehere.

Scientist Journey to intellectual property rights

Funding of transfer projects

In this event the Transfer office and start-up service illustrates an overview of the most important funding programs for transferring research results into application. These include programs for exploring exploitation potential, funding spin-offs, validating implementation, and also programs for innovation projects with companies. You can already find out more here.

Scientist Journey for funding transfer projects

Start-up support

University education and entrepreneurship - do they really go together? Participants will learn from the Start-up experts of DSHS, how Cologne universities are currently promoting their start-up potential and what the Cologne start-up scene looks like. The question "I have an idea - and now what?" will be answered here, because you will know the support options at DSHS and the other major Cologne universities, as well as regional accelerator programs, funding and networking opportunities. You can already find out morehere.

Scientist Journey for startup support


Find out what added value transfer and innovation activities have for your research and which success factors are important for transfer projects and innovation projects from research.


Take the first steps and learn proven methods to determine application fields outside of science based on your research, find the right target groups, and easily and pragmatically assess your market potential. As a final highlight, you will learn which aspects are particularly important when communicating your scientific findings to different target groups and implement your topic in a podcast.

The STRIVE enables you to:

  • learn about proven methods for transfer and innovation from research
  • identify innovation potentials from your research
  • identify fields of application outside science
  • find the right target groups 
  • assess the market potential pragmatically
  • communicate your scientific work in a way that is appropriate for your target group

The transfer and innovation projects generated in the Summer School are taken up in the Transfer Think Tank and in the StarS-Kader.


For PhD students:

The Summer School can be credited with 32 units (AE) in the Module 4 (shaping your career) of the doctoral program.



Learn the basics in an online course.

Workshops:              (22.-24.08.: morning, mandatory)

Learn how to generate ideas, validate innovations and communicate from research to practice.

Development:          (22.-24.08.: afternoon, voluntary)

Develop your idea, find your application fields, target group and market.

Science communication:  (25.08.: full day, mandatory)

Discover the best way to communicate your research or idea.