AI-supported learning of psychomotor skills

Project partners at GSU

A project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) entitled “Multimodal Immersive Learning with Artificial Intelligence for Psychomotor Skills” (MILKI-PSY) has been running at the German Sport University Cologne since March 2021. The final meeting has now taken place on the Spoho campus.

Anyone who wants to learn a sport trains new psychomotor skills. Until now, this has required role models such as teachers or trainers on site to explain, demonstrate and evaluate certain processes. As part of the joint MILKI-PSY project, a consortium has developed a learning environment with artificial intelligence (AI) to support the training process. The project was led by Dr. Stefanie Klatt and Mai Geisen (and formerly Nina Riedl and Tobias Baumgartner) from the Institute of Training Science and Sports Informatics, Department of Cognition and Sports Game Research at the Sports University. The aim of the multi-year project was to create AI-supported, data-intensive, multimodal, immersive learning environments for the independent learning of psychomotor skills.

The final meeting of all project partners took place in Cologne at the end of May. The finalized learning tools and the associated research results of the various studies in the project were evaluated at the German Sport University. The project resulted in innovative feedback methods for learning and optimizing dance and gymnastics skills. Modern technologies for motion capture and expert demonstration (augmented reality, virtual reality) are part of the methods. In addition, virtual learning scenarios were generated for collaborative work with a robot during assembly work.

Overall, it was shown that innovative, immersive learning environments can promote the learning and refinement of psychomotor skills in various fields of application. Surveys also revealed a positive response from users to the modern learning systems. The project partners intend to continue the project topic through follow-up studies and, in addition to preparing the final report, will make concrete progress in planning the future project by the end of the project on July 31.

The consortium partners are the Cologne Game Lab (project coordination) and the Institute for Product Development and Design Engineering at TH Köln, the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (Frankfurt), RWTH Aachen University and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (Berlin).