
32 results found

Official game data in the Journal "Scientific Data"

Institute for Exercise Training and Sport Informatics pro-vides position and event data from German professional soccer for the first time in cooperation with the DFL German Football League


Matchplan Conference

On November 16, 2024, a special event for soccer enthusiasts and experts will take place at the German Sport University Cologne: the Matchplan Conference.

Sportlerin jubelt an der Ziellinie

Emotional expressions in sport

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding a research project by the Institute of Exercise Training and Sport Informatics at the German Sport University Cologne on the relationship between non-verbal behaviour in sport and cultural background.


AI-supported learning of psychomotor skills

BMBF project final meeting at the German Sport University Cologne on innovative, immersive learning environments


SportVid: AI-based analysis of sports videos

DFG funding for joint project of the Institute of Exercise Training and Sport Informatics, the Central library for Sport Sciences and the TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University Library.


Practice-orientated research in women's high-performance basketball

Institute for Exercise Training and Sport Informatics receives BISp funding


Third attendance phase of the "Sports Director in youth and amateur football"

This week, the third attendance phase of the "Sports Director in youth and amateur football" certificate programme took place. We were able to welcome a number of expert speakers to our institute for this programme.


The next match analysis experts from the sports university

This week, the fifth round of the advanced training master's program in match analysis came together for the first attendance phase at the German Sport University Cologne.


Predictive Models in Sports 2.0

Institute of Exercise Training and Sport Informatics receives new DFG funding.


Making sports game data effectively usable

A new platform for sports data analysis


Sporting success thanks to AI

BMBF project for the collection, analysis and processing of sports data successfully completed


Keynote: AI and data analysis in sports science studies

On August 28th and 29th, Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) is hosting the second Learning AID on the topic of learning analytics, artificial intelligence and data mining in higher education. During the event, questions on the practical use of learning analytics and artificial intelligence in higher education...


Bachelor/ Master thesis of the wayfinding research

In our research project, we investigate the mechanisms of wayfinding behavior and the related factors that influence wayfinding performance.


Match Forecasts for FIFA World Cup

Researchers from the German Sport University Cologne conduct research on forecasts for football results and present daily match forecasts for the FIFA World Cup.


Does England really have a goalkeeper problem? A counterargument

Study: Statistically, English goalkeepers saved not fewer penalties than those of other nations


Teaching success thanks to AI?

The Institute of Exercise Training and Sport Informatics at the German Sport University Cologne has successfully obtained project funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project "university teaching concept for AI in sports science" (uLKIS) is a research project in the...


Applying and generating game analysis data

In autumn, the fourth round of the training master game analysis starts – apply until the end of June!


New project website "MM4SPA" published

Cooperation project between the German Sports University Cologne , the L3S Research Center of the Leibniz University of Hanover and KINEXON.



"Game Analysis Team Cologne" starts in January

Cooperation with the German Football Association enables the fourth cohort of the certificate course.


Sporting success thanks to artificial intelligence?

BMBF project for the collection, analysis and further processing of sports data


e-Science meets high-performance football

The Institute for Training Science and Sports Informatics receives new DFG funding.


Institute for Training Exercise and Sport Informatics at icSPORTS 2020!

The 8th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support is an international event with leading scholars from sport informatics and technological progress in sports and will be hosted in Budapest, Hungary, on Nov 5th and 6th 2020.


Video evidence in football: Interview with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Memmert

Sports computer scientist Daniel Memmert in conversation with the Kölnische Rundschau.


Dr. Frowin Fasold is a new DHB coach.

SpoHo handball lecturer Dr. Frowin Fasold takes over a coaching position at the German Handball Federation (DHB).


Women vs. Men - Tactical efficiency in football

UEFA promotes study on gender differences in European football with first time usage of position data


Professional software in M.A. Match Analysis

The Institute of Training and Computer Science in Sport prolongs its cooperation with the STATS Analytics Deutschland GmbH in the context of the Master's course M.A. Match Analysis.


New Release in School Sports

Since June 2017 the two books on "Abenteuer Bewegung" are available.


New Release "Revolution im Profifußball"

Unique football book based on Big Data: sound, comprehensible and vividly illustrated.


Carina Kreitz raises scientific funds

Carina Kreitz of the Institute of Training and Coputer Science in Sport raises research funds of the German Sport University Cologne.


Awards for employees of the ITS

The Institute of Training and Computer Science in Sport received two prizes of the German Sport University Cologne during the annual academic celebration last Saturday


Dr. Kreitz receives Karl-Feige-Preis

The Karl-Feige-Preis of the working community for sport psychology (asp), which is given every second year for outstanding dissertations, goes to the German Sport University Cologne in 2017.


6. Teaching Games for Understanding & 10. dvs-Sportspiel-Symposium

For three days the German Sport University was focused on the interdisciplinary, international exchange regarding sport games.


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