Section Clinical and Technological Biomechanics

15.02.2022 - Cologen Science Circle behind the curtain
Prof. W. Potthast is interviewed on the long jump with a below the knee prosthesis
Bericht (Webpage Kölner Science Circle) [In German]

12.01.2022 - Saddle-pants-system for triathlon sport
Cooperation project to reduce overuse complaints in triathlets
Report (Webpage TH Deutz) [In German]

15.11.2021 - Technological Competence in Sports
Univ. Prof. Dr. W. Potthast talks in SportsTech Podcast by Fee Beyer about the Program "Human Technology in Sports and Medicine", injury prevention and scouting
Podcast (Spotify) [In German]

02.10.2021 - Can anyone sprint faster than Usain Bolt?
Univ. Prof. Dr. Potthast is intervied in "An diesem Tag - Podcast auf Spotify"
Podcast (Spotify) [In German]

27.08.2021 - Optimiced instead of disabled - How Technology changes the sport
Dr. Johannes Funken in Hr2-DerTag about sport prosthetics and the degree program 'MSc. Human Technology in Sports and Medicine' Ab Min:32:20
Podcast (Hr2 Mediathek) [In German]

01.08.2021 - Forschung Aktuell
Dr. Jan-Peter Goldmann leads study on police body protection equipment
Bericht (DSHS Mainpage) [In German]

25.05.2021 - Forschung Aktuell
Thomas Dupré investigates whether inside lateral impacts and changes of direction in soccer increase the risk of groin injuries
Bericht (DSHS Mainpage) [In German]

12.05.2021 - Awarded Dissertation
Dr. Marion Mundt wins GSU young investigator award for best dissertation in life sciences
Bericht (DSHS Mainpage) [In German]
Dr. Marion Mundt

03.05.2021 - Featured Journal Article
Study by Josef Viellehner on the effect of vibrations during road cycling receives special recognition
Bericht (DSHS Mainpage) [In German]

06.02.2021 - Start: It's all about hundredths of a second
Biomechanics in Bobsled - The "Momentum" Team led by Dr. Jan-Peter Goldmann provides important contribution to success
Bericht (ZDF Mediathek) [In German]

01.01.2021 - Welt der Werkstoffe - talk: Construction materials sports
Univ. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Potthast walks with Prof. Dr. Bonnet about the use of construction materials and technology in sports
Podcast (YouTube) [In German]

04.12. 2020 - Discussion on the 2020 CAS Leeper vs. IAAF award
Univ. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Potthast providing a biomechanics perspective on the current CAS Leeper vs. IAAF award.
Online discussion (Youtube) [In English]

28.08.2020 High-Tech shoes: Mechanical Doping? 3sat - Nano
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Potthast reports on the influence of shoes on musculoskeletal stress during running.
Bericht (3sat Mediathek) [In German]
07.04.2020 - Long Jump with a Prothesis - Sports Biomechanics Lecture Series
Dr. Johannes Funken lecturing on the long jump with a prosthesis as part of the Sports Biomechanics Lecture Series
Lecture (YouTube) [In English]
25.11.2019 - New Investigator Awards for doctoral students
Marion Mundt and Josef Viellehner take the first two places in the New Investigator Award of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports
Bericht (DSHS Mainpage) [In German]
Marion Mundt

17.12.2017 - My artificial body part ZDFtivi - PUR+
Univ. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Potthast and Johannes Funken perform a running analysis on ZDFtivi - PUR+ and compare the movement characteristics of sprinters with and without prosthetic legs
Bericht from Minute 11:00 (ZDF Mediathek) [In German]
Univ Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Potthast