
Sport for Social Cohesion - Theoretical and Practical Perspectives
What role does sport play in promoting social cohesion? Sport as a socio-political instrument - what works and what doesn't? Karen Petry and Louis Moustakas have just published these questions and much more online.
IESF Lecture Series on Global Sport Governance: 15 January 2025, 17:30 pm
Giovanni di Cola, as former director of the ILO (International Labour Organization), will give deeper insight into "Sporting Mega Events in a Changing Global Society" (lecture hall 3, GSU).
IESF Lecture Series on Global Sport Governance: 29 January 2025, 17:30 pm
Our second guest is Jens Sejer Andersen, Founder and Senior Adviser of Play the Game. He presents their latest initiative "ClearingSport. How can we put an end to corruption and crime in sport?" (lecture hall 3, GSU). Lecture post-poned to January!
IESF Lecture Series on Global Sport Governance: 11 December 2024, 17:30 pm
"Who is afraid of Imane Khalif?" Human rights defender in sport, Dr. Payoshni Mitra, will speak about gender, race, class & the convoluted politics of global sport. (Lect.hall 2, GSU)
IESF lecture series Global Sport Governance: 5 December 2024, 18:00 pm
Antoine Duval is researcher at the Asser Institute in The Hague, centre of expertise in the fields of public international law, private international law and European law.
Due to the ever increasing integration of sport with other social areas and actors, due to the ever increasing influence of political actors in particular on the shaping of sport and its framework conditions, as well as due to increasing Europeanization and globalization, the field of action of sports policy has become decisively more important.
The Institute for European Sports Development and Leisure Research provides the framework for the sports policy and leisure research activities of the German Sport University Cologne. In conjunction with cooperation partners, political, social and sports science findings are brought together in such a way that a distinct core of sports policy thinking becomes visible. The team of the institute offers students, scientists and all other interested parties numerous offers in teaching and research.
The focus is on the topics of "sports policy," "sports and development cooperation," and "leisure and tourism research". The Institute and its Jean Monnet Chair devote special attention to the European dimension of sport. The Institute is also home to the "Forum Sportpolitik" and hosts the annual symposia on sports policy.
Since the winter semester in 2016/17, the IESF has also been coordinating the master's program "International Sport Development and Politics". The program is science-oriented and aims as much at problem-solving skills as at methods for understanding and analyzing sport. The master's program combines the expertise available at the University of Sport in the fields of social sciences, economics and the humanities. The Master "International Sport Development and Politics" consists of 13 modules and concludes with a Master's thesis.
Based on this website, the Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies would like to provide information on its activitites, but also encourage to get in contact with us. We are looking forward to a constructive dialogue.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittag / Dr. Karen Petry