Conference „Challenge of Change“ in Jordan
Dr. Karen Petry attended together with PhD students Katrin Bauer (Cologne) and Tamara Awartani (Ramallah) the 2nd International Dead Sea Conference of Sport and Health Science in Jordan. The confernce took place from 1st-3rd November 2017. Organized by the Sport department of the University of Jordan in Amman and in cooperation with the Sport department of the Otto-von-Guericke Univeristy Magedeburg and the German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD), the conference called "Challenges of Change" served as a platform to create a network for sport scientists with European and Arabic partners. About 120 sport scientists took part at the conference, from Jordan and other Arabic countries (Tunesia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia), Brazil and Japan among others.
Karen Petry's presentation gave insight into the SPEACH Project (Sport, Education and Coaching in Health). Katrin Bauer and Tamara Awartani discussed the approach "Sport for development" focussing the activities in Palestine.