Doctoral Scholarship at Johannes-Rau-Gesellschaft e.V.
As of October 1, 2018, the Johannes Rau Gesellschaft e.V allocates a doctoral scholarship. The application deadline is Monday, 6th August.2018. The doctoral scholarship amounts to 1,450 € per month for two years. An extension is possible.Thus, the association promotes outstanding scientific work that feels committed to the intellectual heritage of Johannes Rau.
The work should sharpen the historical awareness and deal with future issues. The disciplines are not specified.
The following documents must be submitted:
- Reason for the application to the Johannes Rau Society
- Extensive Exposé (about 10 to 15 pages) to the dissertation project
- Tabular CV
- Graduation certificate (simple copy)
- Degree certificate (simple copy)
- Certificate on the circulation-free admission to a doctorate at a German university (simple copy)
- Brief overview of the economic situation
- A report from the supervisor of the dissertation as well as another expert opinion from a second university teacher.
The Johannes Rau Society is a nonprofit association founded in 2010 to preserve the memory of Johannes Rau.
Chairwoman of the association is Minister of State a.D. Gabriele Behler, Deputy Chairman is Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kocka, other members are Dr. Anja Kruke, Dietmar Nietan MdB, Christina Rau and Dr. Jürgen Schmude. The advisory board includes Prof. Dr. Gunilla Budde, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Merkel and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittag.
Johannes Rau Gesellschaft e.V.
Wilhelmstrasse 141
10963 Berlin T: +49 30 25991 16
information sheet