Final Report National Sports Governance Observer published
The final study of the ERASMUS+ project "National Sports Governance Observer" was published on 12.11.2018 during a workshop in Leuven. The project was coordinated by the Danish Institute for Sports Studies and carried out together with the project partners KU Leuven, Utrecht University, The University of Warsaw, Molde University College and University of Bucharest in 2017/18.
On the part of the GSU, the "Good Governance" structures of German sports federations were examined by surveying nine federations. As a result, strongly varying governance structures were identified, which can be traced back to different explanations. At the same time, it became clear that considerable adaptation processes are taking place in German sport and that increased attention is paid to the topic of "good governance". Further details on Germany can be found in the final study on pages 121-139.
A special evaluation of sports organisations in Germany in German will be published in December 2018.