For a strong and innovative S4D sector in Germany

To organizations, committed and interested parties in the Sport for Development sector in Germany

Dear colleagues, fellow campaigners and interested parties

April 6, 2024 was the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace. On this occasion, we turn to you with a concern and exciting news:

Sport and exercise have the potential to bring about positive change in society. But change never happens alone. Systematic networking and goal-oriented cooperation are needed to exploit the full potential of the Sport for Development approach in Germany.

These needs have become particularly clear in recent years, which have been characterized by the pandemic and multiple crises. A group of institutions that are operationally, promotionally and scientifically active in the field of "Sport for Development" (S4D for short) have therefore joined forces and set themselves the common goal of strengthening the sector in Germany in order to act together even more effectively - with a Sport for Development Network Germany.

The self-image, convictions, goals and fields of action were set out in a position paper. The project is currently being coordinated and driven by a steering group consisting of representatives from Bike Bridge, Common Goal, the German Sport University Cologne, the DFL Foundation, Laureus Sports for Good, step stiftung and SUPR SPORTS. Eleven organizations have already joined forces to establish the network.

Call for participation

On July 10, 2024, the idea of the collaborative network is now to be formalized and established with the official founding of an association. We would like to invite all organizations involved in the Sport for Development sector to participate in the foundation and become part of the network. Because in the current times, in which all social forces are needed to master the challenges of the present and the future, it is essential that the contribution of the S4D sector is seen, heard, recognized and potentiated.

Let's work together to raise awareness of the relevance of sport and physical activity as a catalyst for social change. Benefits of the network:

  • Nationwide networking of and with stakeholders from the S4D sector
  • Strengthening of quality and impact potential
  • Joint processing of topics and agenda setting in politics and society

The more organizations participate in the founding of the association, the greater the network's appeal and corresponding synergy effects. Anyone wishing to become part of the network can register at the following link and will receive all important information about the process from now on:

Best regards from the steering group

Johannes Axster, Jens Dreesen, Franziska Fey, Lena Pawelke, Karen Petry, Julia Schilling, Berndt Tausch
