From Theory to Practice
The further education seminar, „Theory, Policy Framework and M & E in the Field of Sport and Development", took place for the first time between June 24th and 26th 2016. Featuring ten participants from Germany, Canada and Italy, they gained profound theoretical knowledge on good practices within the Sport for Development field.
The seminar is part of the “Sport for Development” further education certificate, which is offered by the Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies (IESF) of the German Sport University in cooperation with the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE) this year. Thanks to a dynamic and highly qualified team of speakers (Dr. Marianne Meier/ University of Bern and Terre des Hommes International Federation and Dr. Ben Weinberg/ Consultant at GIZ, Scientist and Lecturer), national and international stakeholders were presented and core theoretical elements — namely project cycles, monitoring and evaluation in the context of sports-related development programs — were discussed.
On the last day of the seminar, this theoretical knowledge was transferred to practice. Participants had to develop and present fictitious projects, such as "Refugees in Cologne - Yoga as Calming Activity", and give a brief practical demonstration of a sport activity to the whole group.
The international group of participants already came with many personal experiences in the field and were able to learn not only from the speakers, but from each other. "You could compare your own experiences with those of the others and understand them directly in relation to theory” said Louis Moustakas, a participant in the course.