Guest researcher at the IESF

During this summer term the IESF welcomes two guest researchers for a stay at the GSU. On April 15th, 2018 Quentin Tonnerre from the Université Lausanne started his 4 weeks stay in Cologne. On May 7th 2018 the IESF will greet Dr. Jung Woo (Jay) Lee from the University of Edinburgh.  

Quentin Tonnerre works and lives in Lausanne, Switzerland. He holds a Master degree in Sport and Social Sciences and started his PhD about 3 years ago at Lausanne with the title "Diplomacy, Neutrality and Sport in Switzerland (1928-1981)". He is currently attached to the Centre for British Studies of the Humboldt University of Berlin working about the links between sport and diplomacy in Switzerland during the 20th century. In September he will be back in Lausanne.


Tonnerre Quentin, « Une question de prestige dans le domaine international de l’industrie horlogère » Diplomatie suisse et chronométrage sportif (1964-1970), Relations internationales, 2018, to be published

Tonnerre Quentin, Quin Grégory, ‘Les Suisses n’iront pas à Melbourne pour n’avoir pas trouvé d’avion convenable’. Histoire d’une non-participation olympique (1948– 1956), Revue suisse d’histoire, 67 (3), 2017, pp. 343.360.

Tonnerre Quentin, Quin Grégory, A forgotten “ping-pong diplomacy”? About the Chinese ping-pong players’ tour of Switzerland (1972), in Vonnard P., Sbetti N., Quin G., Beyond Boycotts. Sport during Cold War in Europe, De Gruyter, 2017, pp. 195-211.


Dr Jung Woo (Jay) Lee works for the Institute for Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences (ISPEHS) at the University of Edinburgh. At present he is working in projects such as  "A critical evaluation of the Olympic Legacies: The case of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea", "Sport and Social Transformation" and the globalisation of cricket: a case of South Korea 

Publications (excerpt):

The 2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang : In between a mega sporting event and a mega construction project . / Lee, Jung-Woo. 2018. Abstract from Regeneration, Enterprise, Sport and Tourism , Liverpool, United Kingdom. 

A political history of the Winter Olympics : From 9/11 to North Korea, world politics have played out in the stadium. / Lee, Jung-Woo. In: The Conversation. 2018. 

The Winter Olympics and the two Koreas : How sport diplomacy could save the world. / Rowe, David; Lee, Jung-Woo. In: The Conversation. 2018.