"Moving the environment" workshop from 30.6.-02.07. - register now!
Workshop "Moving the environment" from 30.06. - 02.07.2023
Sport as an educational tool for sustainable development
The workshop, which is being held as part of a cooperation between the Institute for European Sport Development and Leisure Research and Engagement Global gGmbH, provides an insight into the topic of sport for development in the sense of the "Education for Sustainable Development" (ESD) approach. The aim is to learn in theoretical and practical sessions how sport and physical activity can be used in the sense of the ESD approach to create awareness, influence knowledge and behaviors, and contribute to the achievement of the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The focus will be on SDG 13 (climate action). The workshop is practice-oriented, interdisciplinary and participatory and provides new methodological approaches for (sports) teaching. No prior sport-specific and/or environment-specific knowledge or sporting skills are required for participation.
Learning Objectives
The participants...
... are familiar with the SDGs and know how to classify them in the context of sports.
... are aware of the global significance and the link between environmental protection and climate change.
... understand the ESD approach and know the potential of sport as an educational tool for sustainable development.
... are able to plan, individually adapt, implement & reflect on appropriate training units.
Speaker: Nicola Scholl - Founder of Play Handballwww.play-handball.org
Registration deadline: 15.06.2023
Time and location:
30.06. |15.00 – 18.00 pm (SR 91/HA22) as well as
01.-02.07. | 10.00 – 16.00 pm (SR 11/ HA09).
Contact and registration: via email to Laura van Zantvoort L.vanZantvoort@dshs-koeln.de