PhD-scholoarship 2017 at Johannes-Rau- Gesellschaft e.V.
The Johannes-Rau-Gesellschaft e.V. provides a PhD-scholarship about 1.250,- Euro monthly, starting at November 1st 2017. Application is open until Monday, August 14th 2017.
The list of required documents can be found at the webpage of the Johannes-Rau-Gesellschaft e.V.
The scholarship will be granted for two years, a prolongation is possible.
Staatsministerin a.D. Gabriele Behler, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kocka, Dr. Anja Kruke, Dietmar Nietan MdB, Christina Rau und Dr. Jürgen Schmude.
Prof. Dr. Gunilla Budde, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Merkel and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittag are part of the advisory board.