Qatar Talks - Follow-Up of the Event

The results of the survey, questions and opinions from the audience

Date: Thursday, October 27, 2022
Venue: Lecture Hall 1, Main Building of the German Sport University Cologne
Organizer: Institute for European Sports Development and Leisure Research

Federal Agency for Civic Education
DFB Cultural Foundation
Candid Foundation


Not many topics have been and are being discussed as critically in the sports world as the upcoming World Cup in Qatar. What responsibilities do politics, business, associations and players have? Soccer fans and spectators are still struggling to find the right answers to these and many other questions almost four weeks before the start of the World Cup. Here, science has the task of illuminating questions and developments from different perspectives.

With this goal in mind, the Institute for European Sport Development and Leisure Research (IESF) of the German Sport University Cologne and the Federal Agency for Civic Education invited to a panel discussion entitled "Qatar Talks - Talking about the World Cup the right way" on Thursday, October 27, 2022. Students and interested citizens* were welcome to take a seat in the large lecture hall (Hörsaal 1) of the Sports University.

The following talk guests participated:

On site:

    Mathias Brüggmann, book author and journalist of the Handelsblatt.
    online: Tilman Engel, Senior Executive Advisor, Sport Business Consulting
    Jeremias Kettner, Senior Strategic Business Advisor, Kettner Advisory
    Andreas Rettig, soccer manager and former DFL managing director

Live from Qatar:

    Kathrin Lemke, OCO Global, Doha
    Marko Begovic, Senior Policy Advisor, Qatar Tennis Federation (graduate of the German Sport University Cologne)

Audience* members participated interactively on-site at this event. In addition to participating in live polls, there was also the opportunity to address questions or criticisms directly to the discussants.