News archive

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Universitäre Weiterbildung: Globales Lernen im Sport

Am 5. Mai startet der Zertifikatsstudiengang in eine dritte Runde. Es sind noch Plätze frei!


Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Marion Keim-Lees (University of the Western Cape, South Africa)

Thursday, 26 January, at 10:00 and 14:15 pm CET, we talk about the "sport system and sport politics in South Africa".


Not to miss: Friday, 20th of January, Guest Lecture by Nick Sore

As Senior Refugee Sports Coordinator at the UN Refugee Agency, we welcome Nick Sore at the GSU in Cologne.


19 January 2023: Review of the Qatar World Cup

We look back at the events during the controversial World Cup. Place: Senatssaal, Time: 10-11:30 a.m.


Doctoral colloquium, Saturday, 14.01.2023, 09:30 CET

At the GSU, building IG II, room Senatssaal or online via WebEx.


„Qatar after the WC?“ Panel discussion on 12.01.2023, 19:00 PM

An event organized by 1. FC Köln and the German Sport & Olympia Museum on the political and moral responsibility of sport.


The Many Faces of Sport and Sport Mega Events, 16.12.2022

The 7th Sino-German Symposium will take place on Friday from 7-13 am CET as online conference.


Guest Lecture Sport and World Politics | 13.12.2022 Senatssaal

Guest Speaker Jung-Woo Lee presents "Current Controversies and Challenges from an East Asian Perspective".


EMPLOYS - Multiplier Sport Event | Final Presentation in Brussels |06.12.2022

Final Conference in the European Commitee of the Regions. Registration & details:


Workshop 2.-3. Dezember: "Die globale Verantwortung des Sports"

Engagement Global gGmbH und das IESF diskutieren die Wirkung des Sports auf die UN-Ziele für globale Entwicklung (SDGs). Anmeldeschluss: 25. November.
