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Office Hours Prof. Mittag in 2016 until April

Due to the current sabbatical, only a limited number of office hours will be held. Please note the relevant dates.


Guest lecture: Stefan Scholl (Universität Siegen)

On Tuesday 26th January 2016 Stefan Scholl (Universität Siegen) will hold a lecture about: "Das Wissen der europäischen Sportvernetzung (1962-1991)" halten. The lecture takes place from 12.00 - 13.30pm at Hörsaal 5 (HJZ).


Guest Lecture: Daniel Duben (Mainz)

On Tuesday, 19th January 2016, Daniel Duben will hold a lecture about "'Nach HoGeSa ist vor HoGeSa' - Warum ein Gesamtkonzept für Strategien gegen Rechtsextremismus in Fussballstadien notwendig ist!" The lecture takes place in HS5 in the HJZ from 12.00am to 1.30pm.


Guest lecture: Johannes Curtius (DOSB)

On Tuesday, 12th January 2016, Johannes Curtius of DOSB will hold a lecture about "International projects of the German Olympic Sports Confederation". The lecture takes place in HS5 in the HJZ from 12.00am to 1.30pm.


Kathrin Schmid as „ASS Thesis 2015“ awarded

Kathrin Schmids bachelor paper "Linking Theory and Pracitice in the Area of "Sport for Development"" - written at the Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies - was awarded by the ASS Alumni Sportökonomie & Sportmanagement.


Guest Lecture: Maren Kröger (UNHCR, Division of International Protection)

On Tuesday, 15th December. 2015, Maren Kröger of UNHCR, Division of International Protection, will hold a lecture about "Sport for developement and peace from the perspective of the United Nations". The lecture is in IG 2 in the Senatssaal from 12.00am to 1.30pm.


Guest Lecture: Dr. Marianne Meier (Internationale Föderation Terre des Hommes)

On Tuesday, 8th December 2015, Dr. Marianne Meier from Terre des Homme international will hold a lecture about "Mega Sportevents and Human Rights". The lecture is in IG 2 in the Senatssaal from 12.00am to 1.30pm.


Life is movement: the SPEACH Project.

The SPEACH Project aims to educate future sport professionals by developing ‘Health Enhancing Physical Activity’ (HEPA) modules that can be integrated in existing Physical Education Teaching Educations and Sport Coaching Educations.


UEFA Forschungsstipendien-Programm

Die Bewerbungsfrist für das UEFA Forschungsstipendien-Programm läuft bis 31.03.2016. Das Programm richtet sich an promovierte Doktoranden und Wissenschaftler, die sich mit dem europäischen Fussball befassen.


UEFA Research Grant Programme

The registration for the UEFA Resarch Grant Programme, supporting academic research in European football, is opened until 31st March 2016.
