News archive

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Students from Shanghai at GSU

16 Students of Shanghai Sport University (SUS) are visiting GSU for the first "Summer School on Leisure Sport, Tourism and Sport Studies in Germany"


New Master programmes at the German Sport University

Two new Master programmes will start at the German Sport University from Winter term 2016/17 onwards. The courses of the Master programme MA International Sport Development and Politics (M.A. DEV) will be taught by the staff of the Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies, the Institute of Sport History and...


Internship at IESF

The IESF offers at short notice a internship. Please send your application including letter of motivation and CV until June 6th, 2016 to


Seminar: Theory, Policy Framework and M&E in the Field of Sport and Development

The seminar „Theory, Policy Framework and M&E in the Field of Sport and Development” takes place from June 24th to 26th at GSU Cologne.

Application deadline: 3rd June 2016


ENSE presents new website

The European Network of Sport Education (ENSE) is proud to launch its new website. Formerly known as the European Network of Sport Science, Education and Employment (ENSSEE), ENSE is an international non-profit organisation focused on sport science, education and employment.


Neue Bücher

Die von Prof. Dr. Werner Weidenfeld und Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels herausgegebenen Standardwerke „Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration“ und die 14. Auflage des IEP-Standardwerks „Europa von A bis Z“ sind soeben erschienen.


10th Kölner Abend der Sportwissenschaft

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittag will participate at the panel discussion about "Corruption in Sport - Is the Error part of the System?!" together with Prof. Dr. Volker Schürmann and Sylvia Schenk on 12th May 2016 at 7.00pm in Hörsaal 1.


PE European Sport Studies last courses this summer term

The PE 1.4. European Sport Studies takes place for the last time this summer term. There are some vacancies left.


New release: Ethics and Governance in Sport

"Ethics and Governance in Sport" ed. by Yves Vanden Auweele, Elaine Cook, Jim Parry is released by the Routledge Group. Dr. Karen Petry of the IESF contributed the introduction to chapter V "Re-conceptualizing 'sport for development'.



Certificate Sport-for-Development

The Further Education Programme Sport-for-Development offers a Seminar „Theory, Policy Framework and M&E in the Field of Sport and Development” on 24th-26th of June 2016. Registration deadline: 27th of May 2016.
