News archive

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IESF at BMI in Berlin

Following the invitation of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Home Affairs, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittag and Dr. (des) Ninja Putzmann travelled to Berlin on 7 February 2019 to discuss the results of the ERASMUS+ research project 'National Sports Governance Observer' with the representatives of the sports department....


Registration Open for 15th ENSE Forum

The 15th ENSE Forum will be held at the University of Vienna’s Institute for Sport Science on the 26th and 27th of September 2019 under the theme Sport – Education – Society. Links and Solutions. Those interested in presenting at the Forum can submit their abstracts by June 15th to info(a)


Facebook Page launched

The Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies is happy to announce that in addition our current Website, we have launched a Facebook Page which will cover everything from our work here at the Institute, to the Master programme as well as current news from the world of sport politics, sport (for) development...


Summerschool courses for 2019 at University of Lausanne (UNIL)

The courses for summer- and winterschools at the University of Lausanne (UNIL) are online now.

In September, a summer school called "Doing, Writing, Thinking Sport History" takes place. Registration is open now until April, 30th 2019.


MSE "Player Agents" in Cologne: "Professional standards, licensing and qualification"

On Friday, 1st February 2019, the third multiplier event of the ERASMUS+ project "Promoting and Supporting Good Governance in the European Football Agents Industry" takes place at the German Sport University Cologne. Several experts of participating countries will meet at the Senate room in IG2 and discuss about standards,...


New Book

On Wednesday, 30th January 2019, Prof. Dr. Timm Beichelt (Viadrina University) and Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Brüggemeier (Freiburg University) will be guests at the German Sports University in Cologne. Prof. Dr. Timm Beichelt presents his book "Ersatzspielfelder: Zum Verhältnis von Fußball und Macht" together with his Freiburg...


9th Symposium on Sportpolitics: Disabled sports from a sports politics perspective:

On Dec. 7th, 2018, the 9th Symposium on sport politics takes place at the German Sport University. Following the symposium with four sections, a public panel discussion about "Conflicts of Disabled sports politics" will start at 7.30pm in Hö 2.


Erasmus+ Take it to the Street Workshop

Two students of the German Sport University took part in the validation workshop of 3x3 Basketball within the ERASMUS+ project "Take it to the street". The workshop took part from Nov. 2nd to 4th, 2018 in Aalborg/Denmark.


Final Report National Sports Governance Observer published

The final study of the ERASMUS+ project "National Sports Governance Observer" was published on 12.11.2018 during a workshop in Leuven. The project was coordinated by the Danish Institute for Sports Studies and carried out together with the project partners KU Leuven, Utrecht University, The University of Warsaw, Molde...


Education Programme „Sport for Development“ - Scholarships available

The education programme “Sport for Development” is entering another round: The seminar „Inclusive Development through Sport“, organized by the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE), will take place from 20.01. to 26.01.2019 in Rheinsberg (near Berlin). There are two scholoarships available.

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