News archive

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New theme weeks „Sport. Global. Sustainable.“ start 24th May!

"The global Responsibility of Sport for Peace and Sustainable Development" is the title of the new event series of our cooperation with Engagement Global e.V.


Write your final assignment about "Sport in Luxemburg"

Are you still missing an exciting topic for your thesis? Then this might be something for you!


Combining Internship and Thesis at Jambo Bukoba e.V.!

Participate in our project in Tanzania!


Zertifikatsstudiengang Globales Lernen im Sport - noch bis 06.05.22 anmelden!

Am 26. Mai geht die Universitäre Weiterbildung zum Thema Sport als Instrument im Kontext globaler und sozialer Verantwortung in die zweite Runde!


EMPLOYS MSE3 - online conference on March 16th, 2022

3rd Multiplier Sport Event of the EMPLOYS project taking place in Edge Hill, UK, this Wednesday.


Olympia zwischen Propaganda und Boykott

Wie steht es wirklich um die olympischen Ideale bei den Winterspielen in Peking? Zu Gast bei alpha-demokratie ist Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittag.


Multiplier Sport Event in Lisbon

"Understanding the employment relations of ahtletes in Olympic Sports in Europe" - 2nd EMPLOYS-Conference next Friday, 17.12.2021, at the Universidade Europeia Lisbon and online.



Sport Mega Events and Sustainability – The Winter Olympics and Paralympics 2022

6th Sino-German Academic Forum on Sport Development, online on December 21st, 2021.


Expertin für "Nachhaltigkeit im Kinder- und Jugendsport"

Bis Oktober 2024 ist Dr. Karen Petry Teil des Expert*innen-Pools der Deutschen Sportjugend (dsj).


ERASMUS+ Project SSCL meets in The Hague

In November, the international members of the EU-funded project "Sport and Social Cohesion Lab (SSCL)" met for the first time.
