News archive

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Symposium: “Sport Development and Olympic Studies – Past, Present, Future”

On July 10th 2017, the Olympic Studies Centre of GSU hosts the symposium "Sport Development and Olympic Studies - Past, Present, Future" in collaboration with the IESF. The symposium starts at 9.00am in the Senate Rooml, IG II. The afternoon sessions take place at the Library Room.


Online-Application open now

The Online-Application for the Master programme International Sport Development and Politics is open until July 15th 2017.


Office Hour Prof. Mittag during summer break 2017

The office hour of Prof Mittag during summer break will take place at the following days:


Interesting events for HOMER students

Two interesting events for HOMER students are taking place in Cologne on June 7th and 23rd. More information is available here:


Workshop: Research Committee for SGO 2017, Cologne 30-31 May

The main aim of the ‘National Sports Governance Observer: Benchmarking sports governance across national boundaries’ is to assist and inspire national sports organisations to raise the quality of their governance practices. The project involves in the first instance the partners included in the Erasmus+ application (see below)...


Lebhafte Diskussionen über Demokratie in Europa

Die Besucher des Europatages an der Deutschen Sporthochschule erlebten am 10. Mai 2017 eine gleichermaßen tagesaktuelle wie grundsätzliche Debatte über Europas Gegenwart und Zukunft. Die Frage nach der Zukunft der Parteien in Europa oder Bewegungen wie der „Pulse of Europe“ wurde ebenso diskutiert wie die Sicht auf Europa: mehr...


Workshop Palestine

The Institute of European Sport Development & Leisure Studies held a fruitful workshop on Friday the 5th of May at the university headed by Dr. Karen Petry, Mr. Werner Schleicher (Sportamt) , PhD students, MA students from the International Sport Development & Politics program and four representatives from Al Diyar organization...


Panel discussion Europawoche 2017

For the 2nd time a panel discussion during the Europwoche 2017 takes place at the GSU. This year's question is "At the aftermath of elections: political parties, cooperations and the future of democracy in Europe".


Master Info-day at May 6th, 2017

You are interested in studying in one of our nine Master's degrees? Then visit our Master's day where you can obtain detailed information about our consecutive Master's degree courses at GSU.


Vélomanie - Public lectures at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

The excitement before the start of the Tour de France in Düsseldorf is rising. A lecture series at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität opened on April 25th, 2017 with the reading of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittag of the GSU.
