News archive

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"Die Nacht von Sevilla '82" - Book launch

On 21.12.2021, we proudly present the latest publication written by Stephan Klemm in presence of the author.


Politik will im Sport stärker mitspielen

Sport im Ampel-Koalitionsvertrag - ein Interview des ZDF mit Prof. Dr. Mittag.


Wie Spitzensportler in Europa gefördert werden.

Ein Bericht des Deutschlandfunk über das europaweite Forschungsprojekt EMPLOYS.


Symposium Sportpolitik verschoben

Pandemiebedingt wird die Veranstaltung im Frühjahr 2022 stattfinden.


Guest Lectures by Dr. Ben Sanders and Dr. Marianne Meier

Sign up for free and join online on 12.11. and/or 19.11.2021.


Multiplier Sport Event on 22 October at the GSU Cologne

First MSE of the ERASMUS+ project EMPLOYS - presentation of an EU-wide study


Join us! Global Learning in Sports

Entry deadline: 01.10.21. Karen Petry explains on video why you should sign up.


Mapping sport and social cohesion in Europe

How sport and social cohesion programmes can be most effectively designed, delivered, and measured.


4th Summer School in progress

The Academic Summer School Program 2021 started on June 28, 2021, and lasts for 5 weeks.



Study "EU Sports Policy: Assessment and Possible Ways forward" now published

Successfully completed and accessible online!
