News archive

Page 14 of 27.

15th Forum of the European Network of Sport Education at the University of Vienna: Sport, Education, Society, Links & Solution.

More than 100 participants and presenters from all over the world joined the 15th Forum of the European Network of Sport Education (ENSE) in Vienna, Austria, which was held during the European Week of Sport on the 26th and 27th of September 2019. Researchers, practitioners and students met at the Institute for Sport Science at...


Jean Monnet Report 2018/2019

The Jean Monnet Report 2018/2019 is online. The Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies introduces the reader to the teaching and research activities as well as the additional activities and services carried out by the institute and the chair holder.


Office hours of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittag changed

With the start of the winter term 2019/20 the office hours of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittag have changed. The new starting will be on Wednesdays from 8.15am to 9.15am. Please note the change.


Next joint information meeting SEB12

The next joint information meetings for students who must take SEB 12 examinations take place on 2.10.2019 at 10.00 am.



PEAK - - Policy, Evidence and Knowledge in Coaching

Funded by the European Union ERASMUS+ programme, PEAK project brings together a unique consortium of expert partners including the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE), German Sport University, European Elite Athletes Association, Finnish Olympic Committee, Sport Ireland Coaching, Swiss Federal Institute of...


Guest lectures with Engagement Global and IESF

Engagement Global gGmbH and the Institute for European Sport Development and Leisure Studies organize a series of guest lectures from April 30th 2019 - June 18th 2019 under the title:


Detailled information can be found here.


Guest lectures at IESF

The Institute for European Sport Development and Leisure Studies organizes the following guest lectures: Tuesday, 14.5.2019, Philippe Vonnard (Université de Lausanne) from 12.00 - 13.30pm in the Senatssaal and Thursday, 16.5.2019, André Gersmeier (Rheinflankel gGmbH) from 4.00 - 5.30pm in SR 50.


Jean Monnet Lectures on Sport Politics

Find the new guest lectures of the Jean Monnet Lectures on Sport Politics here.


Guest lectures at IESF

The Institute for European Sport Development and Leisure Studies organizes the following guest lectures: Tuesday, 30.4.2019, Manfred Belle (Eine Welt Netz NRW e.V.) from 12.00 - 13.30pm in the Senatssaal and Thursday, 2.5.2019, Jenny Hellmann and Lucas Milbert (Engagenment Global gGmbH) from 4.00 - 5.30pm in SR 50.

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PolitikArena 16 is online

The latest issue of the PolitikArena is online now.
