News archive

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The IESF is now live on LinkedIn!

Keep up to date on all activities of our Institute - follow us on linkedin.


16th ENSE Forum in Rome, 21-22 September 2023

The focus of this year's European Network of Sport Education (ENSE) forum will be "Sport education for Sustainable Development - the Euro-Med-Perspective".


Congratulations on the successful disputation!

On June 22, Louis Moustakas successfully defended his disputation "Together on the Field, United off of it? Defining, Mapping and Evaluating Sport and Social Cohesion Programs in Europe".


Positive effects of Sport and Development Cooperation

The Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development of the German Bundestag was dedicated to the topic "Sport and Development Cooperation".


"Moving the environment" workshop from 30.6.-02.07. - register now!

Together with Engagement Global gGmbH, we show how sport works as an educational tool for sustainable development.


Auf dem langen Weg zum Profisport

Buchvorstellung zum Frauenfußball von Berndt Keller: um 12:15 Uhr im NaWiMedi, SR 95.


IESF Guest Lectures - summer term 2023

"In the sign of Growing Conflicts? " is the headline of this term's Jean Monnet guest lectures. Join on Tuesdays, 12:15-13:45 Uhr in SR95.


26th International CESH conference | 04.-06.10.2023 | "People in Professional and Leisure Sports"

Registrations as participant still welcome!


„Nachhaltigkeit & Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung im Kinder- und Jugendsport“

Am 15. Februar startete ein neues Weiterbildungsangebot in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Sportjugend (dsj).


„Half-pro vs. full-pro“: What rights do athletes have?

In the article of FORSCHUNG AKTUELL, January 2023, we present our projects on social justice and good governance in sports.
