News archive

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Guest lecture: Ayiera Nyanga and CARE Germany/Luxembourg

The Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies together with CARE Germany/ Luxembourg organize a lecture/workshop on Monday, 9th of October 2017 from 10.00 – 12.00 (noon) at the German Sport University/ Senatssaal (IG II, Ground Floor).


Dr. Karen Petry wird ENSE-Präsidentin

Im Anschluss an die Generalversammlung des European Network of Sport Education (ENSE) in Aarhus/ Dänemark tritt Dr. Karen Petry ihre Amtszeit als ENSE-Präsidentin an.


IESF congratulates Dr. (des) Ninja Putzmann

Dr. (des.) Ninja Putzmann passed sucessfully her disseration with the subject „Das sportpolitische System Spaniens - Eine theoretisch-empirische Analsyse von Akteuren, Outputs und Entwicklungslinien“.


Timetables MA DEV for the winter term 2017/18 are online

The timetables MA DEV for the winter term 2017/18 are now available and online.


IESF congratulates Dr. (des) Gunnar Risse

Dr. (des.) Gunner Risse passed sucessfully his disseration with the subject „Funktionale Institutionen-Bildung in der Anti-Dopingpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Akteureinflüsse, Akteurkonstellationen, Akteurinteraktionen“.


IESF congratulates Dr. (des) Daniel Ziesche

Dr. (des.) Daniel Ziesche passed sucessfully his disseration with the subject „At the Heart of their Communities? A Study on the Social, Cultural and Political Dimensions of Lower League Football Clubs in England and Germany”


Symposium: “Sport Development and Olympic Studies – Past, Present, Future”

On July 10th 2017, the Olympic Studies Centre of GSU hosts the symposium "Sport Development and Olympic Studies - Past, Present, Future" in collaboration with the IESF. The symposium starts at 9.00am in the Senate Rooml, IG II. The afternoon sessions take place at the Library Room.


Online-Application open now

The Online-Application for the Master programme International Sport Development and Politics is open until July 15th 2017.


Office Hour Prof. Mittag during summer break 2017

The office hour of Prof Mittag during summer break will take place at the following days:


Interesting events for HOMER students

Two interesting events for HOMER students are taking place in Cologne on June 7th and 23rd. More information is available here:
