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Courses for winter term 2018/19

The courses of the IESF for the winter term 2018/19 are online.


Doctoral Scholarship at Johannes-Rau-Gesellschaft e.V.

The Johannes-Rau-Gesellschaft e.V. allocates a doctoral scholarship of 1450,- Euro monthly for a period of 2 years from October 1st 2016 onwards. The deadline for applications is August 6th, 2016.


IESF congratulates Dr. (des) Jan Hangebrauck

Dr. (des) Jan Hangebrauck passed sucessfully his disseration with the subject “No normal sport in an abnormal society.“ Wahrnehmungen und Wechselbeziehungen staatlichen und zivilgesellschaftlichen sportbezogenen Protests gegen das Apartheid-Regime in Südafrika zwischen 1956 und 1992“.


IESF congratulates Dr. (des) Diana Wendland

Dr. (des) Diana Wendland passed sucessfully her disseration with the subject "Der alternative Reiseführer: Formate, Visualisierungen, Narrationen. Eine mediengeschichtliche Untersuchung von Para- und Basistexten zwischen 1970 und 1985."


2. Summer School: Sport and Leisure Studies from a German and European Perspective – Theoretical and practical approaches

On July 16th 2018 the second chinese summer school at the Institute für European Sport Development and Leisure Studies starts under the title: "Sport and Leisure Studies from a German and European Perspective – Theoretical and practical approaches". Thirteen students from China will get an insight into German culture, the way...


Conference of young academics: reris

From July 14th-16th 2018 the Conference of the Réseau pour l’Etude des Relations Internationales Sportives (reris) takes place at the German Sport University Cologne in cooperation with the Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies in the Senate Room in IG2.


Walter Tokarski erhält NRW-Sportplakette

The former rector of the German Sport University Cologne and professor of the Institute for European Sport Development and Leisure Studies Walter Tokarski has been awarded the sports badge of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.


*** NEW *** Action weeks accompanying the Football World Cup: SPORT. GLOBAL. SUSTAINABLE.

During the action weeks accompanying the Football World Cup an EXTRA LECTURE will take place on Juyl 4th 2018 from 2.00 - 3.00pm in lecture hall 5 (HJZ). Bianca Qardokus (Representative for Sustainability at the DOSB) gives a lecture about "Nachhaltigkeit von Sportstätten".


Die Kraft des Sports

Die politische und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Sportverbänden und Sportgroßveranstaltungen im Rahmen der internationalen Politik stand im Zentrum einer Podiumsdiskussion, zu der Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittag, Leiter des Instituts für Europäische Sportentwicklung und Freizeitforschung gemeinsam mit dem Veranstaltungspartner...


Action weeks accompanying the Football World Cup: SPORT. GLOBAL. SUSTAINABLE.

From June 15th to July 15th, coinciding with the Football World Cup in Russia, the GSU and Engagement Global are hosting "action" weeks about Sport and the Aims of the Agenda 2030 called: SPORT. GLOBAL. SUSTAINABLE. This "action" filled programme will include presentations, films, stadium tours and a critical public viewing.

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