News archive
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The IESF in the Bundestag Sports Committee
During the 55th Sports Committee on 26.06.24 in the Bundestag, Prof. Mittag was one of the speakers on the topic of "Representation of German interests in world sports federations".
more75 Years European Movement Germany
Prof. Mittag also contributed to the anniversary event of the EBD Berlin and the Federal Foreign Office on 13.6.24 in Berlin with a keynote speech on European history.
moreGastvortrag "Sport und entwicklungspolitische Bildung im Inland", 11.06.2024
Dr. Malte Wulfinghoff, Fachpromotor in NRW für Sport & Globale Gerechtigkeit, Eine Welt Netz NRW, referiert am kommenden Dienstag ab 12.15 Uhr im Seminarraum 95, NaWiMedi.
moreThe United Nations and UNESCO as Players - Symposium, 18.06.2024, Senatssaal
To which extent is the German sports policy prepared to get involved in UNESCO activities and thus assume responsibility in terms of international sports policy? These and other questions will be discussed with experts and representatives from politics, the DOSB and GIZ. Expert workshop held in English from 11:30-15:30 cet.
... moreDie Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2024 in Deutschland, 6.-7. Juni, Münster
Die Akademie Franz Hitze Haus in Münster lädt ein zur Tagung mit der Überschrift "Sport und Politik". Prof. Dr. Mittag trägt u.a. als Vortragender zu der zweitägigen Veranstaltung bei.
more"When Sport becomes political" - online event 4 June, 18.30 Uhr
Hosted by the NRW State Office, Prof. Dr. Mittag will take part in the expert panel on the topic of "Sports diplomacy in France and Germany". More information:
moreGuest lecture 29.05.24 "empowered by 3x3"
The guest lecture presents the approach of the project "empowered by 3x3 - scaling up social impact in Europe" and its results. Lecture language is English. Time: 14-16 pm, location: Senatssaal IGII.
moreSport und Demokratie – Gehört das zusammen?
Fachtagung „Sport und Demokratie“ der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum, Köln, 6. Mai 2024
moreConference German Sport & Olympia Museum, Monday, 6.5.2024
In cooperation with the IESF, the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) is devoting itself to the topic of "Sport and Democracy" and invites experts and interested parties to the German Sport & Olympia Museum for a stimulating exchange.
moreSportsoziologie als Krisenwissenschaft, Darmstadt, 26.04.2024
Mit einem Vortrag zum Thema "Krisenmanagement durch Sportverbände" trug Prof. Mittag zur Jahrestagung der dvs-Sektion Sportsoziologie in Darmstadt bei.