News archive

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Guest lecture: Nico Schulenkorf (University of Technology Sydney)

On Tuesday, 3rd. Nov. 2015, Nico Schulenkorf of the University of Technology in Sydney will hold a lecture about "Sport for developement - a research summary". The lecture is in IG 2 in the Senatssaal from 12.00am to 2.00pm.


Guest lecture at University Cologne

Prof Dr Wilfried Loth will hold a lecture on the creation of the European Council on November 3rd, 2015. The event will take place in hall H113 of the “IBW”-building of the University of Cologne (Herbert-Lewin-Straße 2, 50931 Köln) at 5:45pm.



Office hours Prof. Mittag Winterterm 2015/16

Due to the sabbatical during winter term 2015/16, only a limited number of office hours will be held. Please note the relevant dates.


Dissertation colloquium at IESF

The next dissertation colloquium at the IESF takes place at 24th October 2015, 9.30am to 2.00pm at the Senatssaal in IG 2.




PhD-scholoarship 2017 at Johannes-Rau- Gesellschaft e.V.

The Johannes-Rau-Gesellschaft e.V. provides a PhD-scholarship about 1.250,- Euro monthly, starting at November 1st 2017.


Neue Publikation: Asia and the Future of Football

Ben Weinberg: Asia and the Future of Football. The Role of the Asian Football Confederation


New Publication: Asia and the Future of Football

Ben Weinberg: Asia and the Future of Football. The Role of the Asian Football Confederation


Gastvortrag: Martin Schulz, Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments

Öffentliche Vorlesung mit Martin Schulz, Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments, am Montag, 06.07.2015 um 10.00 Uhr in Hörsaal 1

Thema: Die Europäische Union als Wirtschafts- und Wertegemeinschaft: Chancen und Grenzen des Sports.



Das IESF lädt alle Interessierten am 04.07.2015 zum nächsten Doktorandenkolloquium.


Sprechzeiten für die vorlesungsfreie Zeit

Hier finden Sie die aktuellen Sprechzeiten für die vorlesungsfreie Zeit im Sommer 2015
