News archive

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Kick-off meeting of Player Agents Workshop: Cologne, February, 2nd 2018:

In January 2018 the new project “EU Football Agents: Promoting and Supporting Good Governance in the European Football Agents Industry” starts. It is supported by the EU’s Erasmus+ Program (Collaborative Partnerships). The project is led by Edge Hill University (represented by Professor Richard Parrish) and the project...


Book presentation "...und für die Ehre unserer Nationen" at 25.1.2018 in the Olympic Museum

On January 25th 2018 the book "...und für die Ehre unserer Nationen" will be officially presented by the author Karsten Lippmann. The book is based on the doctoral thesis Karsten Lippmann sucessfully passed at the IESF in 2017. The presentation starts at 4.00pm.


UEFA Research grant

The application for the UEFA research grant is open now until March 2018.


Guest lecture: Michel d’Hooghe (Bruges)

On Wednesday, 13th December 2017 at 4.00pm in lecture hall 3, Michel d'Hooghe (former member of FIFA executive commitee, now Bruges) will give a guest lecture about "FIFA and Football: a sportive, social, economic and medical event".


8th Symposium Sportpolitics

On December 1st and 2nd the 8th Symposium Sportpolitics took place at the German Sport University Cologne. Subject of this year's conference were "Working relations and representation in Sport".


Play the Game Conference in Eindhoven

Academics and students of the master programme International Development and Politics attended the 10th Play-the-Game Conference in Eindhoven. The conference took place on 26th-30th November 2017.


Podiumsdiskussion zum 25jährigen Jubiläum des IESF

"Arbeitsbeziehungen und Repräsentationen im Sport - Bestandsaufnahmen, Herausforderungen

und Handlungsempfehlungen", so lautet der Titel der Podiumsdiskussion, die am 1.12.2017 von 18.00-20.00 im Hörsaal 2 der Deutschen Sporthochschule stattfindet.


Engagement Weltweit - Commitment to one world - professional fair

On Saturday, 9th Dec 2017, the fair "ENGAGEMENT WELTWEIT 2017 - Commitment to one world" takes place in the Rhein-Sieg-Hallen in Siegburg from 10am to 4.30pm.


Conference „Challenge of Change“ in Jordan

Dr. Karen Petry attended the 2nd International Dead Sea Conference of Sport and Health Science from 1st-3rd. November 2017 in Jordan.


Guest lecture: Dr. Tim Jacobs (Mainz/Wiesbaden):

On Wednesday, 8th Nov 2017 at 4.00pm Dr Tim Jacobs (Mainz/Wiesbaden) gives a guest lecture about: "Klettern und Bouldern in der Stadt: Entwicklung und Chancen einer urbanen Sportart."
