The game of football

Das Spiel mit dem Fußball
Interessen, Projektionen und Vereinnahmungen

The game of football
Interests, projections and receipts

Jürgen Mittag / Jörg-Uwe Nieland (eds.)
Essen 2007
592 pages
ISBN: 978 3 89861 635 5 

Football is much more than just a sporting game. In view of its continuing appeal, football has developed worldwide into a mass cultural event with almost unlimited mobilisation potential. At the same time, the enormous attention that football attracts has led to more and more interests being projected onto football and communicated through it.

Against this background, this anthology examines the interactions between football and its environment in the past and present. The 33 articles in the publication not only address the question of the extent to which football can convey political, cultural or economic meanings, but also examine whether football has become the plaything of interests.