After the structural breach?

Nach dem Strukturbruch?
Kontinuität und Wandel von Arbeitsbeziehungen und Arbeitswelt(en) seit den 1970er-Jahren

After the structural breach?
Continuity and change in industrial relations and the world(s) of work since the 1970s

Knud Andresen / Ursula Bitzegeio / Jürgen Mittag (eds.)
Bonn 2011
400 pages
ISBN: 978 3 8012 4202 2 

The volume "Nach dem Strukturbruch?" deals with continuity and change in industrial relations and the world(s) of work since the 1970s. Starting from the well-known thesis that four decades ago a deep socio-political and socio-political "structural break" took place, the "revolutionary quality" of this social change is examined. Decisive topics in this context are the digital revolution, work at the workplace, trade unions and rationalisation, as well as co-determination and collective bargaining autonomy.