Social Dialogue in Europe for Professional Sports (SDE Pro Sports)

Project Manager
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittag
Project staff
Maximilian Seltmann M.A.
Lorenz Fiege M.A.
Project duration
July 2022 - June 2024
Project partner
European Association of Sport Employers (EASE)
European Elite Athletes Association (EU Athletes)
Project Funding
European Social Fund+ (ESF) Social Prerogatives and Specific Competencies Lines (SocPL)
Project description
The project SDE Pro Sport deals with the socio-political framework conditions of professional sport and the negotiations between the social partners. In particular, the project aims to develop and promote social dialogue in professional sport in EU countries by producing a guide for the establishment of social dialogue in sport.
In its first project phase, the project undertakes a a review of the social policy achievements to date and sheds light on the agreements and collective contracts reached so far in the EU countries in the field of sport. On this basis, a guideline will be created that identifies and analyzes the procedures that have been tested to date and the agreements that have been reached.
This project step will be carried out by the Institute for European Sport Development and Leisure Research of the German Sport University Cologne, which will work on the conceptual and empirical framework of the project in cooperation with the European Association of Sport Employers (EASE) and the European Elite Athletes Association (EU-Athletes). Both EASE and EU-Athletes will bring their members into the project, all of whom are social partner organizations.
The second part of the project will focus on responding to the European Commission's call for the promotion of social dialogue in Europe at sectoral level and the development of European social dialogue. The related objective of the SDE Pro Sport project is to encourage professional sports stakeholders in countries where collective agreements do not exist to take up relevant issues and create a momentum for social dialogue in the sector. The aim is to provide the actors (employers' and employees' associations) of the social dialogue in professional sport with a method to promote and support the development of professional sport through social dialogue.
On June 29 and 30, the Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies hosted the second project meeting of the SDE Pro Sports Project. The project partners—the IESF, the European Association of Sport Employers (EASE) and the European Elite Athletes Association (EU Athletes)—were joined by representatives from players’ unions and sport employers from an assortment of sports and countries. The diverse composition of the project meeting attendees led to valuable exchanges about social dialogue in professional sports in Europe.
The interim project outcome, in the form of a database of social dialogue outcomes, can be accessed here:
For a more in-depth recap of the project meeting, check out the report on EASE’s website: