Sport for Refugees Coalition

Head of Project
Dr. Karen Petry
Project Staff
Sally-Ann Jennifer Fischer
Laura van Zantvoort
Research Period
The Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies is a member of the Sport for Refugees Coalition. Co-convened by the Scort Foundation, the Olympic Refuge Foundation, and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, the Sport for Refugees Coalition brings together more than 80 entities from the world of sport, civil society, public and private sectors to extend access to sport to refugees and other displaced people around the world. It also provides a platform for members to connect with others involved in sport with and for displaced and host communities, to share and learn from good practices, and acts as a focal point for joint communication and advocacy efforts promoting sport as an essential tool in displacement settings.
In advance of the 2023 Global Refugee Forum, the Sport for Refugees Coalition developed the “Multistakeholder Pledge on Sport for Inclusion and Protection,” which offers an opportunity for entities that are already or are interested in working with and through sport to come together and pledge concrete commitments to support refugees and host communities.
In our Pledge, the Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies at the German Sport University Cologne has committed to increasing our efforts in exploring the role of sport in the refugee context through participatory research, in which we will highly value the contributions and perspectives of refugees and displaced people. We also plan to deliver more teaching activities discussing the role of sport in the refugee context, thereby also actively engaging students with the issue. Further, we will facilitate dissemination of our research, including setting up knowledge sharing activities in the global sport for development community, as well as engaging our wider academic network and encouraging them to do the same.
You can find out more information about the Sport for Refugees Coalition and the Multistakeholder Pledge on Sport for Inclusion and Protection here
2nd Global Refugee Forum of the UNHCR in Geneva
IESF on the 2nd Global Refugee Forum of the UNHCR in Geneva
Never before has the number of people fleeing war, conflict and persecution worldwide been as high as it is today. Current conflicts, such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the outbreak of terror and violence in Sudan or in Palestine and Israel, have contributed to the fact that the number of people on the run has risen by 21 percent in just one year. The UNHCR now lists over 110 million people who have been displaced. These include refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced persons and other people in need of international protection.
To address refugee movements with action-oriented solutions, heads of state, private and public sector stakeholders, academic institutions and non-governmental organizations from around 168 countries came together at the 2nd UNHCR Global Refugee Forum in Geneva from 13-15 December 2023. Under the motto "Action, Unity, Impact", over 4,200 participants presented their strategies for integrating and supporting refugees over the course of three days. Together, over 1600 actions (so-called commitments) were collected.
The Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Research (IESF) at the German Sport University Cologne was also represented. At the High Level Parallel Event "Breaking Barriers: Realizing the Potential of Sport for Inclusion and Protection", Dr. Karen Petry's team presented the Institute's actions in research and development.
Jennifer Edwards and Sally-Ann Jennifer Fischer took part in the important dialog together with other stakeholders from the sports sector such as Katrin Grafarend from the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB), Julia Lambrecht from the Scort Foundation, Elijah NJAWUZI from the Uganda Olympic Committee and many more. In a short speech, they highlighted the need for participatory research and the urgent need for more studies on the role of sport and exercise in the refugee context, so that the projects and programs supported by the UNHCR, for example, can have their full impact. However, the topic of "sport and exercise in the refugee context" should also be addressed more intensively in courses at the GSU Cologne.
With this "Commitment", the Institute is now part of the UNHCR Multistakeholder Pledge on Sport and a member of the Sport for Refugee Coalition. The focus here is on cooperation between the various organizations and institutions over the next four years.
In view of the turbulent times our world is currently experiencing, it is extremely important for us to make a contribution to an inclusive and open society. In this sense, sport can provide the necessary support and stability in the everyday lives of refugees.
More about Global Refugee Forum 2023