DOSB - Botswana and Gambia

Scientific support of long-term sport projects of the DOSB in Botsuana und Gambia

Head of project:
Dr. Karen Petry           

Project staff: Louis Moustakas, Marilen Neeten, Kaija Ruck

Duration: July 2019 - March 2021

Partner: German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB)

Since the early 1960s, German sports organizations have been promoting the development of sport in developing and emerging countries. As part of the International Sports Promotion of the DOSB, more than 1,500 long-term and short-term measures have been carried out worldwide in more than 130 countries.

Since October 2018 in the Gambia and February 2019 in Botswana, the DOSB, in cooperation with experts and local partners, has implemented two new long-term projects which focus on the creation of local and sport-specific structures that are needed to promote sport.

Football is highly valued in both countries and has developed significantly in recent years. In Gambia, the focus is on training multipliers and advising associations and coaches in the field of women's and girls' football. The Botswana project aims to advance football, both in men's and women's football, at all levels of association, to train both trainers and sports teachers as well as to build and expand structures.

The projects are supported and strategically monitored by the Institute for European Sport Development and Leisure Studies through scientific support and the associated method-based evaluation (monitoring). The following areas will be covered and supported: the development of impact models, indicators and milestones; advice to partners regarding the establishment of sustainable structures; Preparation of M&E instruments (inter alia for measuring their effects); Analysis of all conducted surveys; Preparation of interim and overall reports as well as the final evaluation of the project.