dsj: „Sustainability & Education for Sustainable Development in Children's and Youth Sports" 2023

Development and implementation of the education series 2023
"Sustainability & Education for Sustainable Development in Children's and Youth Sports"
Project Management:
Dr. Karen Petry
Project Staff:
Laura van Zantvoort
Thierry Xavier Toulon
Research Period:
Dezember 2022 - Juli 2023
Deutsche Sportjugend im DOSB
Project description
Since 01.12.2022, the Institute for European Sport Development and Leisure Studies has been developing the education series "Sustainability & Education for Sustainable Development in Children's and Youth Sports" 2023 under the leadership of Dr. Karen Petry in cooperation with the Deutsche Sportjugend (dsj). The project is funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt.
The training series is aimed at all interested parties in organized sport, especially dsj member organizations, and represents an educational offer free of charge. Within the framework of the project, the DSHS team is developing five modules on theoretical background, definitions, delimitations of BNE, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), fair trade in sport and approaches to practical implementation (including examples and challenges from practice). By participating in at least two modules, participants can earn a certificate.
In addition to the five modules, which will be taught in online formats and will start in February 2023, there will be a conference at the dsj in Frankfurt in June 2023 with the aim of networking the participants and promoting exchange.