Certificate Program Global Learning in Sports
Sport connects, in Germany and worldwide. The positive role of sport is booming in national and international discourse! Both governmental and non-governmental, national and international actors (e.g. NGOs, foundations, governmental and developmental organizations, ministries, sporting goods manufacturers, sports organizations, sports federations, etc.) have identified sport as an effective, cost-efficient and successful tool to achieve various social and / or developmental goals. Even in the currently most important sustainability policy document, the 2030 Agenda, sport is written down as an important tool to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In order to successfully enter or further develop the topic, the certificate program "Sport and Global Responsibility" has been designed. It takes up the current discourse and focuses on sport as an instrument in the context of global and social responsibility. Theory and practice are examined, global and regional contexts are linked, and methodological approaches and content are taught so that participants are provided with essential basic thematic knowledge and the necessary pedagogical and didactic skills for a successful entry into the topic. The course language is German.
New courses will start in 2025 - dates t.b.a.!
Module 1 - 3
Module 1 - The global responsibility of sport in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The first module will focus on the potentials of how sport can make important contributions to global sustainable development on different levels and how these can be used through concrete approaches to action. The focus will be on the actors of the sports sector, their tasks and linkages.
The following topics, among others, are part of the module:
- Basics of Global Learning
- Contextualization of sport and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Focusing on individual SDGs in the context of sport, e.g.:
- Fair trade and sustainable development in the sporting goods industry (SDG 12).
- Sustainability concepts for sporting events (SDG 12, 13)
- Sport, peace and human rights (SDG 16)
- Sport as an instrument of development cooperation in the global south (SDG 3, 5, 17)
Module 2 - Sports Practice Approaches: Planning, Implementation & Evaluation
The second module focuses in particular on various methodological-didactic approaches to sport embedded in different social contexts. In addition to building a general understanding of social and global responsibility, the focus here is particularly on enabling students to independently plan, implement and evaluate activities and measures.
The following topics, among others, are part of the module:
- Conceptual design of interventions
- Target group oriented design and mediation
- Promotion of competences through sports
- Planning and leading reflection phases
- Evaluation practices in sports practice
Module 3 - Self-organized internship
By working in NGOs, state or other institutions, participants have the opportunity to directly enter a professional field and apply the theoretical and practical expertise they have learned. Proven work experience in the field can be recognized as an internship. Graduates who have completed an internship will receive a certificate with 17 ETCS. Graduates who do not have an internship will receive a certificate of attendance for modules 1 & 2 (5 ETCS).

email petry@dshs-koeln.de
phone (0221) 4982 -2310
Target Group and Professional Fields
Participation Requirements
- Completed university studies (at least Bachelor) or proof of the acquisition of the required aptitude in the profession
or - Sports students with completed basic studies
Target Groups
The German-language certificate program is aimed at students, professionals, committed or otherwise interested people from institutions of sport, social work, development policy and / or sustainability. Participants should have a high affinity for the topic of sport and be open to learning about practical approaches and linkages of sport in terms of its social and global components and impact.
Professional Fields
The University Continuing Education supports students to qualify professionally for topics such as "Sport and Global Responsibility", "Sport and Development Policy" or "Sport as an Instrument for Social Development" and to work e.g. at NGOs, ministries, associations or clubs from the sport, social and/or development policy context, nationally and internationally.
By dividing the course into three parts: theoretical aspects, guided practice and practical experience in the form of an internship, different contexts are addressed and a broad basis is created for integrating the contents into everyday professional life. A detailed description of the contents can be found under "Contents".
All topics in theory and practice are taught by experienced professional practitioners during the course of the certificate program.
The module "The global responsibility of sport in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals" was developed in cooperation with the development policy organization Engagement Global gGmbH. Engagement Global works on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development on development education in Germany and can draw on in-depth knowledge in the fields of global learning, sustainability and sport.
More information at www.engagement-global.de
Through the second part, you will be guided by Dr. Katrin Bauer and Robin Schröder.
Registration and more details
Go to DSHS.
Course Management
Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln / German Sport University
Institut für Europäische Sportentwicklung und Freizeitforschung /
Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies
Am Sportpark Müngersdorf 6
50933 Cologne
email petry@dshs-koeln.de
phone (0221) 4982 -2310