Big-Data in sports
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Game analysis in football with the help of neuronal networks
Central Findings
- Identifikation of team- and group-tactical processes in football
- Analysis of interaction processes on the basis of position data
- Recognition and classification of team-tactical processes
- Recognition and classification of group-tactical processes
- Recognition and classification of individual tactical processes
- Diagnostics of tactical creativity/game intelligence
- Analysis of creatively oriented training programs
- Complex decision research
- Analysis and simulation of complex game bahavior with the help of neuronal networks
- Visualization of game processes through trajectories on neuronal networks
- Pattern recognition analysis of complex game processes in football through trajectories on neuronal networks
Fund applications and grants
- Marga and Walter Boll-Foundation (2022-2024) [more]
- German Research Association (DFG, 2008 2013) (ME 2678/7-1)
- DFG (ME 2678/3-2) Federal Institute for Sport sciences (BISp, 2004 2006) (VF 407/06/12/2001-2002) BISp (VF 07/06/04/2005-2006)
- Documenta 2007
- DAAD 2010 und ERASMUS 2008, 2009, 2010
- ERASMUS-Stipendium (2004, 2007, 2009)
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, 2010 2011)