Game analysis
Education: certificate course of studies "match analysis team cologne"
For several years now, the German Sport University manages a match analysis project supported by the DFB. Since the 1st of September 2015 the project is administered in the certificate course of studies “match analysis team cologne” as university continuing education. From 2005 to 2015 Dr. Nopp was Co-Project Manager of the DFB-Scouting-Projects. The project focusses on the support for the trainer and scouting staff of the German men’s national team within the opponent analysis through systematic PC and video match analyses.
In this context, the job of Match analysis at the German Sport University was up to now centrally involved in eight final round tournaments. In total, there were approximately 600 students educated, of which some continued their professional career in the sector of match analysis i.e. in professional soccer teams and companies.
Student analysts form the analysis team at talent scouting tournaments (Duisburg).
At the FIFA World Cup final tournaments 2007 and 2015 employees of the match analyses team supervised as freelancer the German women’s national team. In 2007 Dr. Nopp was responsible before and during the FIFA Women’s World Cup in China for the opponent preparation and the follow-up processing of the German team. During the FIFA World CUP 2015 Dennis Hill and Martin Vogelbein were part of the Scouting-Team on-site.
Position data of professional soccer
The Institute of Cognition and Team/Racket sport Research received the funding for a competitive project with the title “Position data in elite soccer” advertised by the Deutsche Fußballliga (DFL). The DFL selection criteria were (applied) research expertise, resource input, methodology, the project content observed with scientific criteria, innovative capability (exemplary product ideas) and practical relevance. According to the DFL the results can be a benefit for the cadres and the cooperations of the first and second Bundesliga as well as for the soccer academies and the trainer education.
The applicant Prof. Daniel Memmert resumes „We are very pleased to implement our expertise based on a 6-year fundamental research in informatics supported by the DFL in the context of the Bundesliga“. The central objective is to calculate automatically different new Key-performance-index with neuronal networks. The number of analyzed matches could be estimated to almost 50 first Bundesliga matches and 50 second Bundesliga matches. In this study revealing findings regarding to tactical components for the human movement and training sciences as well as for the playing practice (associations: analyzing playing behavior, controlling training processes and improving transfer decisions) and in particular for the public perception (e.g. media: New products for reporting) of team sports are provided.
The used analysis tool SOCCER from Prof. Perl and Prof. Memmert in this project combines conventional data analysis, dynamic state-event modeling and artificial neuronal network. Thereby events like ball conquests and ball losses are calculated through the player’s and ball positions. From these positions a neuronal network recognizes time-dependent player positions and allows that way the embedding of the events and the consequentially composed processes like defense formation, ball recovery or offense in a particular situational context. With a suitable success indicator actions and processes can be automatically rated. That way quantitative as well as qualitative analysis in a situational context is possible.
Research: Big-Data in sports
Key results
- Identification of team strategy and group tactic in soccer
- Analysis of interaction processes based on position data
- Identification and classification of team strategy
- Identification and classification of induvial tactics
- Diagnostic of tactical creativity and match intelligence
- Analysis of creatively orientated training programs
- Complex decision research
- Analysis and simulation of complex Match behavior via dynamic neuronal networks
- Visualization of match processes via trajection on neuronal networks
- Pattern recognition analysis of complex match processes in soccer via trajection in neuronal networks
Funding applications and approvals
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Forschungsgesellschaft (DFG, 2008 2013) (ME 2678/7-1)
- DFG (ME 2678/3-2) Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft (BISp, 2004 2006) (VF 407/06/12/2001-2002) BISp (VF 07/06/04/2005-2006)
- Documenta 2007
- DAAD 2010 und ERASMUS 2008, 2009, 2010
- ERASMUS-Stipendium (2004, 2007, 2009)
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD, 2010 2011)