
In the "small" SoccerBot360 soccer games can be uploaded to produce a more realistic representation compared to ordinary PC testing in 2D. The "small" SoccerBot360 is also suitable for training or research purposes (creativity/game intelligence), where improvements of the players or the test persons occur, which can be analyzed precisely. In addition, it is also possible to improve cognitive skills through regular practice or to create the conditions for this, due to different, pre-installed training programs.

Virtual Reality
So far, lab experiments in the area of sport-scientific cognition sciences often lack external validity due to limited surroundings. Therefore, the Institute of Exercise Training and Sport Informatics is carrying out research in the field of virtual reality, to develop new methods and to better simulate sport-scientific application fields in the lab. Completely novel training methods are developed simultaneously, which are applied for high-performance sport.

Cognitive Diagnostics Lab
The lab ‚cognitive diagnostics ‘offers room for two computer-based experimental units. To fulfil the requirements of different experimental approaches, the lab holds a dividing wall, chin supports, 24“ screens and audio systems.

Attention Window wide screen: Attention Window Task Lab
The attention Window is a test method defining the visual attention focus of a person regarding his/her maximum size and form. In this test the test persons have to identify two stimuli made of four components and presented along four axes (horizontal, vertical and two diagonal).

Eye-Tracking Lab
Currently we have got two mobile eye-tracking systems, which make it possible to analyze different parameters (gaze behavior, fixation, saccades and pupil dilation) of eye movements. Through the mobility of both devices computer-based tests and also sport-specific application situations can be analyzed.

Pupillometry Lab
Pupil dilation not only depends on light conditions, but also depends on cognitive load and emotional involvement. In a completely darkened lab we are able to examine influencing factos for pupil dilation via modern eye tracking systems. Thus, we can establish the pupil size as marker for cognitive processes.

Game Analysis Lab (DFG)
The lab game analysis of the Institute of Exercise Training and Sport Informatics is working predominantly in the field of tactical analyses in team and racket sports. The institute’s research has set a focus on machine learning for the analysis of game data, especially via position data. Numerous successful projects prove the institute to be one of the leading international addresses in this field. This counts for fundamental research as well as for close collaborations with high performance clubs. In the past years the new focus field Big Data, i.e. sports analytics, was added.

‚Mobile Game Analysis‘ Lab
The ‚Mobile Game Analysis‘ Lab is equipped with four screens, the analysis programme SOCCER and is used for research projects oft eh DFG, DFL and cooperation projects with football national leagues.