Sport Locations

The German Sports University uses the hockey gym in the Hockey-Judo-Center and the hockey field, Salzburgerweg, for teaching and research purposes in the field of sport teachings in hockey. The German Hockey Association carries out education programs on these premises with its national leagues. The West-German-Hockey Club uses these perfectly equipped grounds for training sessions of their teams. Furthermore, educational training for all levels are also carried out on these premises.

Basketball is taught in gym 22 of the north halls and in gym 8 near the swimming center. Both halls are equipped with an official FIBA-game field including baskets. Furthermore, both halls have six side baskets, which enable games on six smaller fields. Both halls are also equipped with a number of ladies‘ and men’s basket balls. For training and teaching purposes, dribbling balls, dribbling glases, agility ladders and further material are available for training support.

The LFG Handball uses the gyms 8 and 2 for teaching and research purposes. During the summer semester the beach handball education program takes place at the playa.
Both gyms have got a handball field (20m x 40m). The provided materials also allow carrying out alternative game forms (street handball, mini handball) and the material at hand (mats, banks, floor marker, huts and poles) the respective fields can be set up. Both gyms are equipped with different ball material (indoors/soft/beach/street handballs). The tribune in gym 22 allows for video recordings (teaching and research) from higher perspectives and offers enough space for spectators during student matches (New Year’s Match).
During the summer semester the students can meet beach handball on the beach handball fields – even if they are a little bit smaller (10m x 25m).

Every semester tabletennis course (bachelor, master & pedagogics). Furthermore, praxis-relevant studies in the field of „tabletennis“ are carried out in this hall.

Game Ability
As a fundament for all sports games, sportsmen and sportswomen require overall game ability in sports. How this particular ability is ideally practiced is researched and taught in gym 9 of the German Sports University. Based on the current research status, student of all courses learn about the game necessity for teaching competences in all developmental stages. Gym 9 is thus equipped with a vast choice of sport devices and materials to support student in learning about and teaching alternative sport games and also creating novel game ideas.

Soccer courses take place in hall 22, on the small open air field F08 and at the competition tracks. The Ballschool course takes place in gym 9.