Thesis papers and dissertations
Master Thesis: Concept "AdventureMovement"
- Pupils in balance – to improve the balance through focused movement tasks in primary school PE classes and in frame of the project adventure movement
- Education through movement – improving cognition through focused movement tasks in primary school PE classes and in frame of the project adventure movement
Contact persons: Prof. Dr. Daniel Memmert and Ann-Kathrin Holzamer
Bachelor Thesis: Concept "AdventureMovement"
- Sense or Nonsense?! – A focused group-specific acceptance study of the movement tasks tasks in primary school PE classes and in frame of the project adventure movement
- Go outside and get moving! – analysis to change the leisure time behavior of primary school children in frame of the project adventure movement
Contact persons: Prof. Dr. Daniel Memmert and Ann-Kathrin Lobert

Subject: On the effect of brightness differences when deciding on offside situations in football
Experimental game analysis on the basis of position data. Hypothesis in the area of tactics, strategy and attention are will be examined.
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Daniel Memmert

Subject: Sports Psychology
Contact person: Dr. Philip Furley