Dark Sides of Sport (2019)

Dark Sides of Sport is the title of a new publication by the Institute of Sports History and the Olympic Studies Centre. The editors are Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Wassong and Dr. Jörg Krieger, who has taken up his new position as Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Health at Aarhus University (Denmark) in April 2019. Thus, the publication can also be regarded as a joint project between the German Sport University Cologne and Aarhus University.

Articles have been submitted by an international consortium of 21 authors who have analyzed political, ethical, economic, systemic and environmental problem areas of the sports world from a multidisciplinary perspective. Dark Sides of Sport shows important research progress in the mentioned areas. This is precisely why the editorial work is also an important source for research-led teaching in study programs in the fields of sports development and sports politics. Exemplarily one can refer to the M.A. International Sport Development and Politics offered at the German Sport University Cologne.