Database on Olympic Studies: Degree Programmes, Courses, Seminars & Workshops

Prof. Stephan Wassong and Prof. Thierry Zintz (Olympic Chair – Université catholique de Louvain) conduct a study with the objective of collecting information on all regular Olympic Studies programmes, courses, seminars and workshops at and beyond the university level around the world. A central research tool is an online questionnaire in English, French and Spanish sent out, amongst others, Olympic Studies Centres linked to universities, National Olympic Committees, International Federations, National Olympic Academies and the International Olympic Academy. Based on the returns to this, a database will be made available. The main goal of this database is to centralise information on programmes, give increased visibility of educational initiatives in Olympic Studies around the world and allow for easier orientation for students searching for the most suitable course. This initiative is led in close coordination with the IOC Olympic Studies Centre and the IOC Olympic Education Commission. The IOC also provided the funding for the study. First results of the study will be presented at the annual meeting of the IOC`s Olympic Education Commission which will take place on 20th January 2019 in Lausanne.