Hinkelien Schreuder - The Role of Athletes in Olympic Governance

Hinkelien Schreuder, a former gold and silver Olympic medalist in swimming (2008 and 2012) and current President of the Dutch National Olympic Committee’s (NOC) Athletes’ Commission (AC), was invited to the GSU to hold a presentation on the role of athletes within Olympic governance on 11th January, 2019. The highly engaging presentation was held during the regular lectures of the GSU’s M.A. International Sport Development and Politics programme and implemented an interactive approach, encouraging students to participate in activities and stimulating class discussions. Shinning a light on the roles and responsibilities of ACs, Hinkelien spoke of how the Dutch AC both works with the Dutch NOC and broader sports system to deliver on its agenda and represent athletes in sport political decisions. In addition to this, she outlined her personal athlete’s story and how she transitioned into sports governance. Questions were raised within the group discussions on the topics of, amongst others, the feasibility of dual careers for athletes, the financing structure and independence of an AC, and the views of athletes (also the position of the IOC’s AC) on the recent Russian doping scandal; with Hinkelien providing numerous real world examples to help facilitate understanding. On behalf of everyone in attendance, the GSU’s OSC wishes to express its overwhelming gratitude to Hinkelien for granting us this incredible learning opportunity.