International Network of Olympic Studies Centres

Only a few days before the opening of the Olympic Games in Rio the 2nd International Colloquium of Olympic Studies and Research Centres took place from 1st to 3rd August in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The intention was to foster collaboration between the OSCs in teaching and research. The programme of the colloquium was developed by a steering group which was chaired by Prof. Wassong. Other members were Prof. Ian Henry (Loughborough University, GB), Prof. Nelson Todt (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) und Nuria Puig (International Olympic Committee).

Around 50 scholars in Porto Alegre represented 27 OSCs, which are affiliated at universities in South- and North America, South Africa, Europe, China New Zealand and Japan. From the OSC of the German Sport University Cologne (GSU) Prof. Wassong, Dr. Ansgar Molzberger and Caroline Meier delivered lectures and took part in working groups. Without doubt the colloquium can be regarded as a success as project ideas have been discussed and collaborative project groups have been set up. As far as the OSC of the GSU is concerned it could strengthen its already existing cooperations with, amongst others, the OSCs in New Zealand and in South Africa and could develop new partnerships; including one with the Olympic Study Centre (Chaire Olympique Henri Baillet-Latour & Jacquess Rogge) at the University of Louvain. This OSC is chaired by Prof. Thierry Zintz who – like Prof. Wassong – is member of the IOC’s Olympic Education Commission.

The 3rd International Colloquium of Olympic Studies and Research Centres will take place in Tokyo in 2020; again a few days before the opening of the Olympic Games. The composition of the steering group, which had been set for the network meeting in Porto Alegre, remains the same but welcomes Prof. Hisashi Sanada from the University of Tsukuba (Japan) as a new member.