IOC Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme

As in previous years, the International Olympic Committees (IOC) Olympic Studies Centre has selected Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Wassong, Head of the Institute for Sport History and Director of the Olympic Studies Centre Cologne as reviewer of the “Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme” of the IOC.

The IOC-programme aims to promote advanced research projects in the humanities and social sciences, which deal with topics identified by the IOC. For the 2016/2017 edition, the IOC has selected thirteen priority fields of research, amongst them “Key  factors  in  the  engagement  of  the  host  city  and  country  governing  bodies  and  population to contribute to the success of the Olympic Games”, “Youth Olympic Games”, “Dual career” and “Public perception of the IOC’s role and reputation”. More information on the “Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme” can be found here