Liverpool Hope University Revisited

Liverpool Hope University, at which Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Wassong was employed as Associate Professor from 2007 to 2009, organized an international conference from 13th to 20th June 2018. The congress was entitled The Big Hope 2. Young Leaders Congress. It was a reedition of The Big Hope 1 which was organized in 2008 when Liverpool was the European Capital of Culture. Prof. Wassong contributed to the Congress already in 2008 and he was reinvited to speak at the second edition of the Congress. In the panel on Sport, Cultural and Education Prof. Wassong delivered a lecture on the IOC`s activities in sport for all. Other lectures were given by, amongst others, Tim Vine (Director of International and Government Relations of the Premier League) and Richard Kenyon (Director of Marketing & Communications of Everton Football Club).